Candy Shop 5k

Event Date

Sep 02, 2022

7 pax + 2 doggies hit the Candy Shop for a quick 5k-ish run.

Handful of them are running the WWC 15k tomorrow so we shortened the normal route but picked up the tempo (at least for me).

Cousin Eddie and Popcorn got a standard in since we started 15 minutes late.

Little Finger did a post-run standard because he is a mileage junkie.

Partial credit to Mr Holland who lived by the philosophy that it is better to eat desert first as he had coffee instead of running.  But work bekoned.  Good luck at the game tomorrow —- #gotohellcarolina

Coffee flowed like wine later on in the store.

Candy coated Moleskin:

  • What I learned today:  Enron will kvetch (true word, look it up) about something.  Politics, culture, or for today English Premier League.  But his kvetching has purpose.  And it isn't an annoying awe come on.  It has a legitimate passion.  Get into a discussion and you'll see the difference from kvetching and bitching.  Poeple don't get drained when he does it, people actual like it and expect it and engage it in a good way.
    • So be an Enron.  Be in tune with what is going on.  Care enough to have an opinion.  Express your opinion.  Do it with passion.  Take it to the edge of the line but don't go over the line.  There is an art to it. There is a life to be lived right there at that line.  Be an Enron (the person not the company).