Can’t Bear to Bear Crawl

11 of Lake Norman's finest PAX joined me in the steamy gloom this AM. It was a restless night, we had a big crowd early with time to spare to mentally prep and for YHC to finalize the plan.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the lot
  • SSH x20
  • IST x15
  • Windmill x10
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • Merkins x10

Headlock rolls in and makes it a dirty dozen. Good to see you brother, haven't seen you since Samson in the Spring

  • Toy Soldiers x10

The Thang:
Island Suicides up the Parking Lot: 3 Incrments Quadraphelia up Sprint Back
Circle up for Time Bombs (5 Count Descending)

  • Merkins
  • WWII

Grab a Cinder Block

  • Curls
  • Squats
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Island Suicides up the Parking Lot: 3 Incrments Regular run up Sprint Back

  • Skull Crushers x12
  • Overhead Press x12
  • Block Swing x10
  • Chest Press x12
  • Lawn Mower x10 each side
  • Block Merkins x10 each side

Choosey Doosey: Either Zamperini with the block around the first parking island or bear crawl around the circular playground (9 Zamperinis 3 Bear Crawlers) Do bear crawls suck that much?

Blocks back and over to the picnic tables. 

  • 15 Step Ups Each Side
  • Dips x15
  • Wall Sit for Air Press x20


  • Flutter Kicks x20
  • Touch them Heals x20

Recover Recover

Solid effort by all this morning despite the lingering heat, the PAX crushed it.
Thank you Mona Lisa for the opportunity to lead these fine men.