Can’t Bear to Run

20 PAX – not listed above are: Bolt, Tardus, and 2 FNG's.

FNG Info

FNG#1 was Paul Ratcliff attends Denver Baptist Church with me and I have been working on him for some time now, so Q was pumped to have him out today.  He works for CSI Technology Integrators, a structured cabling company here in the Denver area.  We learned a bit about him, but once he informed us that at one point in his life he lived in Russia for a couple years, well we couldn't let go of that.  Lots of Russian themed names started to fly, and we decided on "Sputnik", although "Comrad" was a close second.  So welcome Sputnik!!

The fun doesnt stop there!  

FNG#2 was Jonathan Vance.  You may not know him, but many of us have run and/or talked with him at Dry Pond.  He works for Phoenix Physical Therapy & Sports Performance.  Many of you may be clients, many of us likely will be one day…  So he decided to come out and give us a try and we hope he enjoyed hanging with all his future customers.  Jonathan informed us he attended Liberty University and being that it is close to Independence Day, we stewed on that concept for a bit, with some suggestions, but we couldnt get away from the fact he is a physical theropist who does things like: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation(PNF), manual therapy, Kinesiotaping and soft-tissue mobilization techniques and a bunch of other big words.  All these things stimulate the body for healing, so rather than call him "Stimulate", or "Stimulator" we trimmed it down to "Stim".  We were glad to have you join us, and hope to see you back out soon "Stim".

Now, on to what went down: 


Parking lot shuffle zig-zag
20 IC SSH (Jumping Jacks)
15 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC IST (Imperial Storm Troopers) 
10 IC Cotton Pickers
20 IC Merkin Clock on curb

Announcement: As you all probably know, a Black Bear has been spotted in this area. That said we will do a bear related exercise or two, along with working on our running. I hate running. But you need to be at-least faster than one guy in the event you are running from a bear. So a little more running than usual from me…

The Thang

Line up on the line, Bear crawl up the parking lot to the second line, top line for over-achievers, mosey back
Head down to the track. 100 yard dash (3 Waves) plank for the 6
10 count Mosey to the Pull up bar for 5 pullup each, squats while waiting
(repeato) but with Imperial Storm Troopers instead of squats.
Mosey back to track. 100 yard dash, (3 waves), plank for 6
10 count Backward mosey around to concrete bleachers
Black Bear Evasive Maneuvers – follow the leader up, down, left, right, over, box jumps, etc)  This lasted for several minutes…
10 count
Mosey to Australian bar for 10 IC Down unders, 5 Burpees, repeato
Then across practice field:
Sprint out, but kickers back
Sprint out, high knees back
Sprint out, lunge walk back
10 Count
Mosey back over to the AL-U-MINIUM bleachers
5  IC Derkins 
10 IC Dips 
Mosey and Over the wall, to the benches in back.
5 IC Derkins
10 IC Dips
Mosey back to the Launch Pad

6MOM (Minutes of Mary)

5 IC Dr. W’s
10 IC Jane Fonda Left
10 IC Jane Fonda Right
10 IC Box Cutters


We often say that we are here to make better fathers, brothers, husbands, etc… But I haven’t made much effort in those areas lately. Caught up in the daily grind, and honestly, it’s getting me down. So I have a reflection that I needed to hear, and thought you might too… My days tend to be consumed by work, and other commitments. To the point that putting myself Third is kind of getting old. But I don’t want (or think) I can really do anything to change that, but I can change my attitude. So I am making an effort to turn my efforts to my family and get my head out of the trees and look up. We have so much to be grateful for and we need to focus on that.

James 1:19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger Also in an effort to make us better men, I took some material my work recently sent out (and added some of my own input) which was handed out at the workout.

I believe this is a first, but I handed out a hardcopy of some information that will hopefully entertain and inform you on being better men.  In case you were not there, well, you missed out.  The document may have been highly plagerized and mutilated for humor by yours truely.  

No actual Bears were sighted or harmed during this workout.
