Met at the pool at 5:30 and got started about 5:35. We saw Poptart there and asked him to swim with us but he refused as he is training for Tri and couldn’t be messing around with stopping to breath every once in a while.
FNG-1 is Randy, he’s swam with us on Thursdays a few times now. We are committed to giving him a F3 name next time we cross paths. He has been invited to other boot camps and was checking out the website recently as well.
300 Warm up
200 kick
300 pull
6 x 50’s on 1:10
6 x 50’s on 1:05
4 x 25’s stroke drill
4 x 50’s on 1:00
recover recover
Nice time at DD for coffee and Randy joined us there sporting a Purdue swimming jacket.(his daughter swam there) Omaha tried to compare his time there with Randy’s daughter…but it was like 40 years apart so not the same.
No BB so now there is.
Thanks Tammy Faye – it takes a village.