Can’t Stop Them, Can Only Hope to Contain Them

11 of the fastest talking pax in all of Isotope attacked the island and did whatever the heck they wanted at Odyssey. Here is their story:



15 min warm up

6 x 2 min (w/ 1:30 active recovery)

Cool down

Recover recover


  • Thats it. That should be your BB. Its no wonder no one signs up to Q at Odyssey but here we go…
  • Hoodie, Omar and Cousin Eddie were gone once the green flag was waved. They didn't slow down, they just sped up for the rest of the run…strong
  • TC liked speed until he decided he would rather get coffee…smart
  • Anchovy was there for more than 8 minutes. Don't call it a comeback.
  • Shrooms only likes speedwork that originates from GAGA…he wouldn't even run past his old stomping grounds
  • Don't mind BC he's just there to look for open gas stations.
  • The Pig and Pickle were there…uhhh maybe not. Which is the pig and which is the pickle? They were talkin' bourbon and pie so seems to fit
  • Thank you to The Count for running 6×2 min. You were the only one that follows directions. YHC expects that from a former MQ. Now if only you could get the real MQ to post at his own AO. Speaking of, strong race last night Royale. Bring that kind of speed to Odyssey and you'll have something awesome here. Just make sure not to tell the pax what is coming. They only post for the fellowship…just ask Poptart. Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Odyssey Royale and The Count. Thanks to the pax for the encouragement and motivation. You men make F3 awesome and YHC is appreciative of that. Until the next time…