Can’t tell if I’m winning or losing

Event Date

Apr 19, 2019

4 guys including Q showed for the weekly Bells workout to get stronger. Perfect weather provided.

Disclaimer given (as well as fair warning to not get close to Q as I'm sick)

Warmup: SSH x25, cotton pickers x20, arm circles fwd/retro big/small x10ea, hug yourself and imperial stormtroopers x20 all IC (thanks to Ziploc for taking over cadence due to my failing voice and hacking cough)

We played cards, battle to be specific. Split into two teams, easy to do w only 4 PAX. Winner of the battle does the number shown on the card, loser does double their number. Rotated through the 6 ex:



Squat OH press




Lost count of the number of rounds we made it through but we all got stronger. Mumbles of not sure who's really winning or losing as everybody working hard. Seemingly high reps of squat presses each round. 


Hydrant to donkey kick x15 IC both side (lots of buns of steel references and some burn felt)

Slow plank jack x15 IC

Plank knee to elbow x10 IC 


As we "celebrate" what seems like the worst day in history to those who lived through Good Friday, we are reminded of His promise being fulfilled. Even the worst day, was just a setup or precursor to the greatest day: Resurrection Sunday Easter. God sent his only Son to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Let us always remember to trust in His promise and plan, especially when we feel otherwise, trusting in His presence through the worst storms. 

Prayers for those not with us today and for healing in the sickness around us. 


No much talking (couldn't hear over the Q's coughing), just men putting in the work. There was some back and forth talking out of the rears, which led to Mulligan heading out quickly to get home for a sooner than expected arrival. Marker attempts to rename him or me Skidmark, but name is already taken. 

It was a pleasure to lead despite not feeling well and I appreciate everyone that was there. Good conversation at coffee afterwards as the SVU crew showed up as well.