Can’t Think of a Cool Name

Fifteen chaps set off on a (relatively) balmy 39 degree morning to get stronger.  Or maybe they had nothing better to do.  Doesn't matter…

Warmup at the Green: 

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Imperial Squat Trooper x 20 IC (YHC had to restart after messing up the cadence on this one)
  • Windmill x 20 IC
  • Stretching

Mosey to DUMC and get two bricks:

  • Babyback Merkins x 20 IC (count 1-2 = Merkins on the bricks; 3-4 pick the brick up to your armpit, switching arms on each rep.  Named in honor of TPRoD's War Daddy who often reminds us we need to pull as well as push!)
  • Bent Over Flys x 15 IC
  • Tricep Kickbacks x 15 IC
  • In and Out Curls x 15 IC
  • Front and Side Arm Raises x 15 IC

Bricks down, move to parking lot area between the two medians.  Merkin Ladder starting at 10 – 10 Merkins and run to dumpsters.  9 Merkins and run back to medians. 8 Merkins and run to dumpsters. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Mosey to base of the stairs and Crawl Bear to the courtyard for a LBC medley.

  • Standard LBC x 15 IC
  • Drop left leg and hold a few inches off the ground x 10 IC
  • Switch legs x 10 IC
  • Both legs up for crossover LBC x 15 IC
  • Reverse LBC x 15 IC

Back to bricks, repeat above 5 brick exercices.

Complete another ladder – this time Burpees 5 > 1.  

Crawl bear back up the stairs for some Journey-lead Mary

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Heels to Heaven x 15 IC
  • Rosalita x 20 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 20 IC
  • J Lo x 20 IC

Back to bricks, repea above 5 brick exercises.

Run back to green for ~3 minutes of Plank to fill time.


It's always great to start the day off with this fine group of men!