Captain’s Log, Stardate 98908.16

Title Explanation: It says "log" cause we lifted logs. But it's captain's log…like Star Trek…cause we saw a space ship during our workout. And for all you Star Trek nerds out there, the Stardate is accurate 4/23/2021 5:30am (

16 Legends of Lake Norman blasted off to greatness this morning. Everybody rolled up relatively on time. Even Ultraman who just got his second covid shot, but was severely slowed down due to an Achilles issue. But he did the whole workout like the BEAST that he is. Frogger with the weighted vest standard (also BEAST). And many OGs in attendance. Here's how it went down:


  • Mosey to Old Glory at Veterans Park for the pledge
  • 12X SSH IC
  • 10X ISS IC
  • 10X Slow squats

The Thang

I introduced what I call "Perfect Cadence". I got this from the F3 Nation website workout list and it's officially called something different but I can't find it now.

Instruction: Do SSH with Perfect Cadence. We only count up to 1 out loud, and then the rest of the exercise is done in silence. When the last rep is acheived you halt. If ANYONE does not stop at the last rep, EVERYONE does a burpee penalty. This takes concentration and team unity. Our first attempt with only 5X SSH: FAIL. 5 burpee penalty.

Mosey back to our KBs waiting for us at the end of the grassy area in front of DPK entrance. Partner up with someone who has same weight KB.

Partner 2 was to AMRAP KB swings while Partner 1 followed me to my car. WHAT?! A car full of LOGS? Each PAX grabbed a log, ranging between 35 lbs and 83 lbs, and hauled them back to their partners. Then the real pain ensued!

"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Spiritually this is true thanks to our Savior, but today we took a heavy burden in the physical sense.

  • Partner 1: Double KB squat AMRAP
  • Partner 2: Take up your yoke and carry it across the long direction of the grass. Drop it at the end and run back
  • Switch, with Partner 1 running all the way to the log and carrying it back.


  • Partner 1: Double KB chest press AMRAP
  • Parner 2: Take up your yoke…
  • Switch

Mosey to the top of the deck for what some PAX said was a rocket launch. I AIN'T SEE NO ROCKET. So now we 10X SSH Perfect Cadence. FAIL. 10 burpee penalty.

Mosey back to KBs, but stop at parking deck level 2 for 10X pull ups or 20X Merkins.

On the way back to KBs…is it a bird?…is it a plane? NO! It's Elon Musk blasting off to Mars or something. Beautiful sight! Ok ok, we got to enjoy this a bit. Do some running on the grass, some Merkins, planks, just do whatever you can while enjoying the sights. BACK TO WORK!

  • Partner 1: Double KB Lawn Mower AMRAP
  • Partner 2: Take up your yoke…
  • Switch


  • Partner 1: Beach season Curls AMRAP
  • Partner 2: Take up your yoke…
  • Switch

Mosey back to level 2 for 10X SSH Perfect Cadence. Can this team pull together and do it? SUCCESS! Hoo-rah! The sound of our hands slapping against our sides in unison in the echoes of the parking garage was like beautiful music.

Celebrate with 10X pull ups or 20X Merkins. Mosey back to KBs…

  • Partner 1: Beach season Skull Crushers AMRAP
  • Partner 2: Take up your yoke…
  • Switch


Plank challenge…all of this with only feet and hands or elbows touching the ground. High plank, transition to left side hip dip 10X IC, back to high plank, transition to right side hip dip 10X IC, transition to elbow plank, walk the plank for 30 second hold.



  • Holy crap what a morning. Carrying heavy logs, building some PAX chemistry with perfect cadence, and an insanely beautiful sight in the sky.
  • Honorable PAX mentions:
    • Ultraman killing it on a bad Achilles.
    • Frogger weighted standard.
    • The Force crushing that 83 lb log carry.
    • Liger on an attendance streak…keep it up! And the great launch photos.
    • Blackbeard for the entertaining mumble chatter, while crushing the workout.
    • Frontier taking the lead on launch watch.
    • Lawn Dart getting back out in the gloom and leaving steam-headed.
    • Happy Gilmore making sure folks don't get run over by gladiatiors (experience from his Miami days) and getting stronger with those KBs.
    • Waffle House, Die Hard, Soprano, and Huckleberry silently crushing it.
    • Moses, Ultraman, and Gnarly Goat for their daily leadership example to all us hates looking up to you.
  • Prayer requests brought to the Lord by Bagboy, Ultraman, and Frogger. 
  • Fantastic post-workout coffeeteria at Main Street.
  • It is truly an honor to simply be with you gents, let alone to be given the opportunity to lead a sweat sesh. Thank you The Force. #GRATEFUL