After a large volume of rain/sleet/snow, YHC wasn't sure the conditions would be optimal or not. Turns out the weather was perfect for 14 of F3RCUSA's finest PAX and we kicked off at the stroke of 7 with The Pledge of Allegiance. 



  • mosey around the parking lot doing butt-kickers, high-knees, carry-over left/right
  • side straddle hops, IST, cotton pickers, mericans x 5 IC, mountain climbers


Count off by threes and…

  • 1's –  To bars for 10-Pullups & 10 Diamond 'Mericans
  • 2's – To swings for 10 Swericans ('Mericans w/ feet on swing) & 10-dips
  • 3's – To lot for Bunny Hop up steps & 10 wide-grip 'Mericans at top
  • rotate and repeato x 3


Mosey to sledding hill & collect rock

  • Lineup under hill and work arms (curls, bent over rows, upright rows)
  • Bearcrawl to top of hill for squats and back


Mosey to new rockpile and collect a rock

  • partner up and partner 1 does 100 LBC while partner 2 does overhead press AMRAP, then switch places
  • Zamperini to shelter and use picnic benches for partner 1 – 100 dips and partner 2 – skull crushers AMRAP, then switch places

Return rock an head to AO start for…



Go around the circle half way with each person picking their absolute fave mary exercise… for the 2nd time this week 'Mericans made the list of "mary exercises" so it must be true… that and YHC saw a meme about it on FB which makes it 100% unfallible truth as YHC understands the process.



Did not specifically record who was the WB but it might have been Ladybug, WD went to Lear.


For those doing the 100/100 challenge, you were complete by 8 AM today.


Real question – is thanking God for making us look better naked a cardinal sin or is YHC ok?