Carl Friedrich Gauss

As we enter the final week of the Month of Mona, YHC is trying hard to finish strong and keep coming up with some ideas.

I rembered back to when I first started F3, and went to my first post at Mighty Oak.  Amen was the Q and he did the Parking Lot of Pain.  Since I have been trying to do more upper body workouts I decided this would be a great idea to do this morning.

A late preblast, due to some food and beverage consuming during the day, noted that we would be doing said workout.

Amen and Etch were in the lot already as I pull in.  They had done about 4 laps on the track at a "comfortable" pace.  9 Lives was there also, but still on the track putting in more laps.

Go time arrived and we took a nice lap around the lot.  This would be the only running for the day.

Circled up for Warmorama.  SSH, CP, IST, TS

Go over and grab a block.  There was some chalk writings on the ground relating to a Murph workout that had taken place the prior day, and joked that this is what we were going to do.  I think some would have preferred that over what we did do.

Grab a block and move over to the left side of the lot.

For each parking lot line you increase the number of reps for each exercise.  (line 1 – 1 rep, le 2 – 2 reps, line 3 – 3 reps, etc. all the way up to 20)

Once done, Zamperini back around to start for the nest exercise

Round 1 was curls.  As the PAX got to about the tenth line the mumblechatter kicked in to high gear.  This was  a lot of curls.

As we circled back to start 9 Lives was trying to calculate the total number we did.  We went into Round 2 which was Shoulder Press, and he said he was just going to count them all.

Etch chimed in and stated the proper way to calculate this type of problem.

The correct formula was created by Carl Friedrich Gauss who was a German mathematician  and physicist in the late 1700's and early to mid 1800's, who made significant contributions to many fields in mathematics and sciences

The correct formula to total consecutive numbers is (n/2)(firstnumber + last number)

n is the number of integers

therefore, (20/2)(1+20) = 210 reps per round

We got to the third round, which was going to be skull crushers, but Etch requested squats to which THC obliged.

Finishedthose up and moved on to skull crushere.  Got almost to the end of those and we took the block back to do FMOM

LBC, pretzle crunch, WWII, box cutters, dying cockroach, breakdancer


I hope everyone had as much fun as I did, and will be as sore as I will be in the morning.  Thank you all for showing this morning!