Carrington Loops

Event Date

Apr 23, 2016

FNG Jeff is the newest member of the Birkdale clown car bringing the fun back to the Estate AO.

At precisely 6am, the group of 10 pax made our way across the street to the Carringotn Ridge neighborhood to run 2 x 1.3 mile loops follow by 10 burpees after 1 loop and 20 'mericans after the other.

Garmin map of the run here:


The neighborhood was setting up for their yard sale so it was not clear if all of the pax were going to make it through the loops without stopping to negotiate for the fusbol table at the bottom of Colonial Garden.  We all made it through the two loops without getting too distracted.

The final leg of the workout was two laps around the track.  Sponge Bob is fast but could not hold off YHC for a sprint around the first lap.  Lego decided to hold back a little and beat both Sponge Bob and I for the 800M by holding a fast but reasonable pace for both laps.  Fenway beat all of us by adding a third lap to remind himself how much pain he went around that track while he was recovering from his broken hand.  He finished strong and the rest of the pax felt compelled to cheer him on as his form was solid.

Great work men – Good luck to the clown car crew in the Ultimate Challenge Mud Run next Saturday. You have been training hard for the past month with a double down every Saturday and I am sure it will pay off as you all cruise through the course.  For the rest of the pax staying local, see you all next week!
