As the famous Horton (of Horton Hears a Who) taught us: A backblast is a backblast, no matter how small.
5 Gladiators carried their block around the St. Mark block last Tuesday. Yes, it was a week ago. And yes, I’m just now writing this. And yes, probably even you could have had this done by now. But you didn’t Q it, did you? No, you didn’t.
It was simply a progressive work-out, adding one exercise at each stop, carrying the blocks Zamperini style from station to station. We started with one exercise, Zamperini, 2 exercises, Zamperini, 3 exercises, etc.., culminating at 7.
Then we Zamperini’d once more, stopping at the pull-up bars for 10 of those things.
We moseyed back to COT after returning the blocks and Amen finished off with J-Lo for all.
Aparrently there are Gladiator Q openings in October. Please feel free to sign up and improve on the paltry BB turnaround time.
Until last week I had no idea how chatty Pavoratti was. No worries, Pinkman didn’t say a word until the very end. Funny how life tends to balance things out.
See you boys in the gloom soon.