Carrying Anvil Around One Last Time

Event Date

Mar 05, 2022


Four of us today on this beautiful morning for what was probably my final Q. It seemed fitting with as often as these great F3 brthers have carried me through workouts and life to make the core of the Thang carrying an anvil. 



15 IC Toy Soldiers

15 IC Windmills

Some CARS shoulder rotations

5 Deep Squats with Long Holds (Oh it feels so good)

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

Mosey to the back, quick paired handstand holds….fun

Grab Michelle and 1 block and moset back to AO for the big reveal.

One pair carries the anvil (1 PAX) and the big Kettlebell (1 PAX) to the top of the parking lot and switch and come back

The other Pair alternate sledge hammer blows on Michelle – one with 15# hammer, one with 21# hammer

Then the pairs switch. 

Next circuit is the carry up and back with the other pair doing speed ladder Merkins, wide then diamond (swithc)

Next is the carry up and back and the other pair doing Alternating Block Snatch Burpees  (switch)

Next is the carry up and back and the other pair doing sandbag cleans (104# sandbag) #crowdpleaser, #technique101

Abd Round 1 was over…..pooooof….just like that!

Round 2 is the same circuit but we swapped pairs and the carry was now to the top of LBH (its a long way with a 100# anvil in your arms). Completed the whole thing with just enough time to put away the goodies and load up the gear.


"Obedience is the lifeblood of faith. It is by obedience that we gather light into our souls.

But sometimes I think we misunderstand obedience. We may see obedience as an end in itself, rather than a means to an end. Or we may pound the metaphorical hammer of obedience against the iron anvil of the commandments in an effort to shape those we love, through constant heating and repeated battering, into holier, heavenly matter.

No doubt about it, there are times when we need a stern call to repentance. Certainly, there are some who may be reached only in this manner.

But perhaps there is a different metaphor that can explain why we obey the commandments of God. Maybe obedience is not so much the process of bending, twisting, and pounding our souls into something we are not. Instead, it is the process by which we discover what we truly are made of." – Dieter Uchtdorf

Okay, okay, cheesy effort to work in "anvil" again. But the point is good. I used to definitely hammer obedience against the anvil of the Commandments to my children. But maybe the desire to do God's will is really what I am made of, I am, after all, His creation. 


Cheetah loved the anvil carry to the top of the hill….preferred uphill actually. I'm sure he will miss it!

Shirley was crushing the cleans.

Tonka has definitely come a long way in the last 6 months….especially for someone that lost a lot of blood…..back in 2002. !!!!!!!  *giggle*

Personal Note

I want to say thanks to all of you F3 guys! I have truly enjoyed being a part of this community. To my "tribe" at SVU, I sincerely appreciate your willingness to put up with me. No one has ever accused me of being easy to be around. You have always given me grace. I remember early on how encouraging you were to me and how much it meant.  May God watch over each of you as you continue to do His will. I'm sure our paths will cross but doubtful I can make the hour drive on a Saturday morning a normal thing. If I have offended anyone, my apologies. If you have avoided SVU because of me or my Qs, please come back! 
