Carrying Carpet was NOT on the Winkey but Cinder Blocks were

Event Date

Aug 04, 2016


5 men braved the Gloom for a Carpetbagger beat down. The Cinder Blocks were plentifully as well as the sweat. So instead of laying carpet we tossed around masonry.


Jog to the pile to grab a block and back to the parking lot

-SSH 15x IC

-IST 15x IC

-Windmill 10x IC

-Mountain Climbers 15x IC

-Merkins 10x IC

-Running stretch

-Shoulder stretch

-Arm Circles  


Mosey to the pullup bar – 5 to 10 reps

Mosey back to the start to begin the WITH Cinder Block beat down:

-Incline Merkins 10x IC

-Bent Over Rows 10x IC

-Squat Press 10x IC

-Cinder Block Swing 10x IC

-Mason Twist 10x IC

-25 Yard (There and Back) Lung Walk



Put the Cinder Blocks back – RECOVER, RECOVER


Gentlemen, we are all faced with daily challenges. How we face those challenges is what builds character. I appreciate everyone hanging in with me this morning and giving me Grace as I struggled to keep the pace. Bottom line, I hope everyone got as much out of the beat down as I did.

Limburger, thank you for the opportunity to Q this morning, next time I’ll send out the #PB 😉 By the way, I completely understand why you bring Luther to the workouts, it’s a nice distraction and a great way to keep from having to do merkins, especially when he won’t get out from under you…

Auto you are a beast. I appreciate you taking the helm toward the end of the beat down by leading the men on the mosey back as well as picking up my slack and carrying both of our cinder blocks back to the pile; there is nothing like a 100 yard farmers carry with two blocks to end a workout. Nice work.

Code Blue, you beat the heck out of the lunge walk. I assume Auto was going to lead the PAX due to his height but you kicked the crap out of all of us. Great job!

And Bandit, great work today. I didn’t hear much out of you. Either the workout was that good or you lost your voice. Either way, it was great to see you.

A few last thoughts:

Thank you for indulging me on a couple 10 counts today, I hope everyone else enjoyed them as much as I did.

And I never thought running back and forth to the pullup bars along with fetching and returning the Cinder Blocks would be further than 1.25 miles but it was, surprise.

Lastly, I am humbled by the privilege to lead the PAX, being a part of F3 has changed my life physically, mentally, and spiritually. Everyone did a great job this morning and I appreciate the opportunity to work out and fellowship with each of you.