Casting Call for Leg Day

  • FNG-1 Talking Head
  • FNG-2 2 Pac

The gloom was ready for the 3 brave souls that assembled for #TheStandard.  2 miles of mosey with Ramrod & Stray is good for the soul.  The frogs will never be the same after the Nightmare on Elm Street. #S2K 

Almost all of the PAX were ready when we returned from standarding.  

DISCLAIMER was heard and agreed to by all

  • Mosey out to street and powerskip to stop sign "CAR" – game on
  • Mosey over to parking lot in front of DICKS


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 Long Snappers IC (professional present – Little Professor)
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • Downward Dog into Cobra (no-kickstands)


  • Mosey to WichWitch assemble on stop line facing Total Wine
  • Broad-jump Burpee to the middle section (50M)
  • Power skip remaining 50M
  • Entrevue a groggy Honeysuckle Blue who fought the sleep demons and joined the fray (now we've got all the PAX)
  • Mild razzing took place but all were pleased to see him beat the sleep demons and carried on
  • Run back
  • Face opposite direction
  • Lunge walk to the dead end
  • Mosey to greenway directly behind the theatre
  • Equal lines facing each other on opposite sides of green way
  • 20 Squats IC
  • 20 Tchikowskis ?? 10 each leg
  • 20 1/4 turn jump squats 10 each direction
  • Indian Run to Nightmare on Elm St. #S2K was called and then retracted
  • Same drill…
  • 20 Squats IC
  • 20 Tchikowskis 10 each leg
  • 10 1/4 turn jump squats 10 each direction – moaning ensued but still not actual mumblechatter/no BS yet
  • Indian Run to top of hill 
  • Irony ensued as 9-Lives invoked motivational speaking in Strays general direction who then lived up to his hospital name fully by taking the Hill (clearly b/c he was now motivated). #YoureWelcome
  • Slowsy to the Theater Parking Lot
  • Same drill…
  • 15 Squats IC
  • 20 Tchikowskis ?? 10 each leg
  • 10 1/4 turn jump squats (10 each direction) – griping ensued, but still no BS or Mumblechatter
  • Move to Theater wall for 10 Pistol squats each leg
  • Mosey REG U LAR up back side of Barre 😉 to grassy nole (Mutiny called – but no BS)
  • Mosey continued to Birkdale Monument 
  • 50M Bear Crawl on the turf
  • Lunge walk back
  • Line up towards Total Wine
  • 100M Dash 90.. no 100%
  • Mosey to start
  • 15 Squats IC
  • 20 Tchikowskis ?? 10 each leg
  • 10 1/4 turn jump squats (10 each direction) – Technical BS call


  • Hip flexor Stretch
  • Downward Dog
  • Upward Dog
  • 15 Low Flutter IC
  • 10 LBCs IC (slow)
  • 10 Rosalitas IC
  • 10 Box Cutters IC
  • 1 Crisp, Clean Burpee

Legless Moleskin

  • Great effort by all today – no one should skip leg day
  • Taking Head – we still don't know where your name came from – Also – sign up for your official website name.
  • Little Professor – congrats!  Your work on the field is being noticed.  Keep it up!
  • Stray & Ramrod – the frogs will never be the same
  • 2-Pac you are a beast! Well done. – Also – sign up for your official website name.
  • 9-Lives, JimmyO, Hasselhoff, Slingshot – Beastmode switch ONoff
  • Honeysuckle Blue – well done on pushing through and showing up strong.
  • Goodlife thanks for your leadership with this AO – STRONG – thank you for the opportunity to lead.

All in all, the PAX covered 2 miles and not a leg was left unshaking.