Casting Call for ‘The Longest Yard’ Re-Remake

22 prima donnas, and 1 dashing male lead, grumbled about their assigned roles in the casting call for a romantic prison story that took place in a damp, concrete cell of Hollywood's first ward.

Here's how rehearsals went:


Mosey around the courtyard to pick up late-comers Ninja Turtle and Landline.

Mosey around the courtyard again, to pick up late-late comer Snake Eyes.

Mosey around Dicks and Fox & Hound to the parking deck.

  • Atomic Burpee (2 Mericans)  x15 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers  x15 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper  x15 IC
  • Windmill  x15 IC
  • Plank Jack  x15 IC

The Thang:

Juarez Valley Prison (Reps: 20,1,19,2,18,3…11,10 with 5 second break between reps)

  • Mericans
  • Prisoner Squat (hands behind head)

B2W (w/10 Mericans if able)  1 min

Crabwalk the parking deck (50 yds)

Bear Crawl back

B2W (w/10 Mericans)  1 min


  • The Banana  1 min  (lots of jokes here!  How old are you guys???)
  • Elbow Plank  1 min  (…and more jokes!)
  • Soprano took us out with some SUPER-Slow Mericans  x5


  • I hope you all enjoyed the Juarez Valley Prison routine!  I experimented with it last week at The Wilderness, and had allowed too much time inbetween reps.  I know I was smoked after today's version, but I'm not sure if Soprano even broke a sweat!??
  • Kid Rock and Hippie found a lot of humor in today's workout.  I'm glad that I could provide a forum for your comic routine!
  • Have I mentioned that I liked Ty Webb much better when he was fat? (#Beast)
  • Thanks to Bama, and Snake Eyes, and The Geek, and all of the PAX, for keeping me honest on the counts during the Juarez Valley Prison routine!!  It's hard enough to perform the exercise, let alone to remember what # we are supposed to be on!
  • It was good to see Sweet Caroline back in the gloom!  Apparently he has been learning sign language in his time away from F3, because he used it to show me how much he appreciated my Merican prison reps this morning!
  • Notably Missing…ShakenNotStirred.  I had specifically planned today's workout in the parking garage because of how much he complained the last time I Q'd Hollywood in the rain, and he didn't even bother to show up!!!
  • Thanks to Hippie for allowing me to volunteer to Q (under extreme duress), and thanks to The PAX for participating in my experiment.