Cat in the Hat

Event Date

Jan 14, 2020

Four men decided it was not too wet to go outside, so they made it out to the Quarry on a damp morning to see what kind of trouble we could get into while the parents were out.  You dint hear this form me, but tghere may have been some porn


Dynamic stretching platter. One lap around the school

The Thang

Mosey to covered area.  Each die has six sides. One exercise for each roll of the dice as follows:

  1. Mercans x 20 reps

  2. Curb Dips x 20 reps (replaced by CDD later on)

  3. Freddie Mercury x 20 reps

  4. Burpees x 10 reps

  5. Squats x 20 reps

  6. Alternating Lunges x 20 reps

Do a cardio type exercise then roll two dice and do both exercises. Roll dice three separate times per round. The cardio exercises varied and are included below

Round 1 – SSH x 50, roll two dice three separate times (i.e., thrice)

Round 2 – Shuttle run thru lines of parking lot, roll two dice thrice

Round 3 – Jump rope sans rope x 50, roll two dice four times (Pax was not paying attention)

Round 4 – Apollo Ono / Eric Heiden X 20, roll two dice thrice


  • Celebrated Ozzie’s one year F3 anniversary on or around this day last year.Not to be outdone, Twisters 2 year F3 anniversary was on or around this same time two years go. Solid work fellas!

  • UNC basketball could use more practice doing the shuttle runs in the parking lot.But they have a great recruiting class coming in next year

  • Football being the best sport was again on display this past weekend

  • Not certain what earthed this long suppressed memory, but when borrowing your sisters VCR to watch a porn VHS cassette as a teenager, make sure you don’t put it in backwards.

  • Formula 69 synopsis: Sexual agent Jamie Bond must save the world from Formula 69, a perfume that makes men helpless and turns women into mindless sex zombies. With her 'license to thrill,' only agent Bond can overcome the fiendish anarchist plotters and rise to the top. And she does.

  • Since it is Oscar season, when asked to recall the plot and character development in the movie, the succinct Rotten Tomatoes-esque response was: “Lotta bush”.

  • Great work men!
