Catalog of Groans

Event Date

Apr 17, 2021

Six of MILF3’s finest came out to the Quarry Hood to tour the real estate market. Things are looking up


Run from pool to Arizona’s house for usual – SSH, TS, Windmill and Mercans

The Thang

Run towards park and stop at metal pole fence

  • Leg stretches (variety)

  • Decline mercans

  • Incline mercans

  • Dips

Run to park

  • Pull-ups

  • Squats

  • CDD

  • Freddie Mercury

  • Reverse lunges with knee tap

  • Reverse plank

Run to the hill – ladder 7’s leg lifts and burpees

Run back to park – AB set variety with the trusty timer – we did this thrice

  • Plank with leg raise – both sides

  • Side plank – both sides

  • Low plank with J Lo


  • Prodigal Son Arizona made a triumphant return to MILF3 after being away for quite some time

  • True to form with some others who returned after a long time away, there was plenty of pent up sharing on display. Sometimes these discussion items just don’t hit the mark when shared at home

  • Upon reflection, packing 6 beers was a tad bit aggressive for the inaugural boat launch of the season

  • G Rip caught Arizona up to speed on all that he had missed

  • The Union Academy teacher who was killed while trying to rob a Mexican cartel stash house got his start as a substitute teacher. That explains a lot

  • Mojito is goal oriented and plans to run 2,021 kilometers in 2021.

  • You did not hear it from me, but Arizona has been sleeping with the CEO of the company he has been doing work for.He is also on a written performance plan

  • Mojitos trained ear picked up on all of the various Grip groans being emitted during the workout, and offered that we may have covered the entire groan catalog, which is quite a feat in and of itself

  • Not sure where exactly this came from, but the end of the workout featured lengthy discussion on manscaping and a compare/contrast of different ball washing techniques available (bowling ball and golf ball)

  • That was one strong effort on a Saturday men!
