Catch the cinder blocks

Started out with 20 burpees for half the group while the other half grad 2 cinder blocks each.

Played a game of chase.

Runners ran the full loop trying to catch their partner carrying 2 cinder blocks and once caught the pair do 10 burpees. Each time you pass the pull bars you do alternating 10 pull ups or 5 toes to bar.

Got 4-5 laps in and the partner whom got the cinders originally swapped with partner whom did 20 burpees to end the work out.

Little wet but a good morning.

1 – Bam Bam was not impressed with the running and ran home from entrance to Windfield.

2.- Hasselhoff asked if it was my first queue

3 – Firestone named his neighbor – Master Poe

4 – Passenge left door on my truck is about 2/3s full of water

No snakes seen while grabbing or putting back cinder blocks.

Thanks for coming out.
