Caught in a flippin’ B & E

Event Date

Jul 13, 2017


9 manned up at SVU to become better men! Ssh x30Cotton pickers x 15Mountain climber x 10Divide into 2 teamsMosey to big hill: 20 WW1sMosey to bottom of hill: 20 squats (butt to heels)Mosey to corner lot (grab flippin’ tires)Each team flips tire down and back 5 reps each then rotate…those not flippin tires skip rope and bear crawl.Each team then picks up 30lb weight to carry for duration.Sprint to next intersection for 20 merkinsMosey to next intersection for 10 lunge walksMosey to pool house.Cheetah commits the B and E so the Q can complete the pool workout:Inside we did the following:-10 man ups-1 min wall sit-balls to wall…walking.-1 min wall sitMosey back to next intersection15 ww1Mosey to next intersection10 rosalitasMosey to intersection10 military merkinMosey back to corner lotRepeat Tire flip by teamMosey to parking lot for Mary (dr. W, box cutter, american hammer, reverse toe touches, lbc)Reflection: Genesis 41:9,16“Finally, the king’s chief cup-bearer spoke up. “Today I have been reminded of my failure,” he told Pharaoh.“It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.”-Joseph spent time in prison for things he didn’t do.-The cup-bearer did finally own his failure.-Joseph didn’t take credit for the things God had used him for. -in plenty or in want God always provides!Thank God for his provision!Life isn’t always fair, be humble, own your mistakes, don’t take credit for things you didn’t do.