Cauldron 500 -no running required

Event Date

Jun 28, 2019

6 came out to The Cauldron to see what YHC had planned. They left smoked. This is why:

Disclaimer & Warm-o-rama 
15 of each IC
Forward Fold & reverse Swan Dive on toes not IC
The Thang – The Cauldron 500
4 stations w 125 KB exercises at each with Zamperini between stations 
-Chest press
The Pax took turns counting so the Mumble Chatter could continue. 125 reps is intense. 
The Pax took down the swings and used Zamperini to recover (not much of a recovery). 
For the curls each counted 10 IC, resting after 60, and 90, again this was rough. 
We did the same for Squats. 
3 stations down and on to the press. The Pax asked if it was Shoulder or chest? Yes. 
At this point The Force let us know he had another 25lb KB in his truck. 
Boom-change of plans with a Zamperini to the benches for perfect form chest press. Using 2 KB while the other Pax did Equal amount of Freddie Mercury- took 5 rotations of 25.
Mobility Mary 
V-up w/ KB 
Spinal twisting L&R
The 500 proved to be a worthy challenge and the Pax didn’t back down.
The Force had a great Q Coup with the benches and extra bell.
Uncle Rico blew through the whole workout with a 44 lb bell – impressive is an understatement.
Knockout knocked out the workout and is signing up to Q soon (see what I did there).
Topgun got the first Q Coup audible when he gave us all a break after 60 curls- smart call…
BlackBeard gets the environmental award for walking to and from the AO with his bell. Well done sir.
Great work today. Sign up to Q if you haven’t in a while, or never. This is a great AO with plenty of options for all. 