Cauldron at Veteran’s Park with DORA

Event Date

May 22, 2020

On Thursday Ultraman through it out on a group text offering up the Q, and THIS TIME YHC was able to grab it before TopGun could.  So out went the PB, and after fighting through the thick fog, 9 pax emerged into the gloom at the deck.  Here's what happened next…

Mosey to the top of the deck.


Count off by 3 for safety

1s – 10 burpees and down the top staircase

2s – 5 burpees, then mosey over to the other side and down the far staircase

3s – 1 burpee and mosey down the deck, no staircases

Stand-still zampirini til everyone is down.  This was widely ignored.


To veterans park – yep, with your KB.  Skull crushers and curls along the way.


Stop for a moment at the Veteran's Park Memorial.  It's beautiful in the dark and fog, truly.  Quick group selfie then down on a knee for a prayer.


Partner up.  Size sometimes matters, but not this time.

Dora: Partner 1 runs a full lap around the park while partner 2 starts on:

100 lawn mowers

100 Merkins

200 full curls

200 skull crushers


Mosey back to DPK (yep – we’re yogging with kettle bells now)


Overhead press x10 in cadence

KB extensions x10 in cadence

Stock the shelves x10 in cadence (called by Zare)

Super slow goblet squats – slow count down from 10, then just as slow back up.  Couple pauses at 5.  Ouch.


Mary called by the pax.  Ouch again.

The foggy moleskine:

Despite the pax being a good 60 yards behind, YHC could hear some mumblechatter as we made our way to Veteran's Park.  Some thought we were just headed to coffeteria.

M.O.D. and YHC must have had the best form during DORA.  How else would we be a full 140 skull crushers behind the rest of the pax by the end???

When we counted off by 3s at the top of the deck and assignments were given, Frogger was standing beside me.  That made him a 1, and with 9 pax that made me a 3.  So how was it that he mosey'ed beside me instead of doing the 10 burpees and taking the stairs like the other 1s did?

Additional running was added to ensure Ultraman was comfortable returning tot he gloom with the pax.

Rocket was highly avoided throughout after announcing upon arrival the details of the "crowded airport on Monday"…

Die Hard just wasn't as sexy on the top of the deck in the fog as he was last week up there as a silouette in the sunrise.  All the pax noticed.  Just sayin'.

Zare has never worked a day of retail stocking shelves, but he sure can rock the "Stock the Shelves" exercise.  

We think Frogger may have arrived at 0500 for a Standard.  Guessing he may have been joined by others.  Maybe Little Finger?  They'll have to let us know.  

Great to see everyone this morning.  This CAN be done safetly – even when we partner up.  Let's get Qs on the calendar and PBs out daily.  Text or message a guy you've not seen in a while.  We've always said, "Someone out there is praying for this – whether they know it or not."  Well it's very likely that someone is a brother, so call him.  Aye.
