Cauldron (NOT Fallout) BB submitted on Monday (NOT Friday)

YHC should Q more as I am rusty.  Got the PB right, but the F3Counts was sent and referenced Fallout (why, how?) and it's Monday and YHC is just getting around to posting the BB from Friday.


But at least now the 13 pax + Q get credit for the workout, and many enjoyed coffeteria after as well.


Pretty sure YHC ran a solo standard although Amen and Etch did both show at 0500 and walk at a brisk pace.  YHC wrongfully accused Ultraman of commenting on the standard PB – cobains for that.  However Die Hard DID like the PB for the standard but didn't arrive until just before 0530.  

Frontier was this month's winner.  Pretty awesome shirt he scored.  Next month will have another winner named and we may need a group photo since the pax is great about wearing their KB shirts to the workout out of clear and sincere respect for the complex formula and competition.

Oh yeah, and we did some stuff with kettle bells too.

'nuf said.  The Force is out.
