CCW Tour of The General

Super late backblast here. My apologies to the pax. Not listed/not registered – Ponzi

Disclaimer provided.


  • SSH x25
  • Imperial Storm Troopers x 10
  • Windmill x10
  • Carrot Pullers x10

The Thang

On this day I took the pax for a counterclockwise tour of The General. Our first stop was roughly 20 feet away from the warmup.  

Stop 1 – Parking Lot Reps
At the top of the island with the trees that poke out some eyes we did:

  • 20 `merkins, run to the bottom for 20 squats, run back to the top and wait for the 6. Then –
  • 20 declined `merkins, run to the bottom for 20 jump squats, run back to the top and wait for the 6. Then –
  • 20 inclined `merkins, run to the bottom for 20 Bobby Hurleys* , run back to the top and wait for the 6. Then –
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks, run to the bottom for 20 Allan Iversons**, run back to the top and wait for the 6. Recover.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill and grab some wall for:

  • Peoples’ Chair with some air presses. Then –
  • Balls to the wall. Then –
  • Bear Crawl to the opposite curb and back. Then –
  • Peoples’ Chair with some air presses. Then –
  • Balls to the wall. Recover.

Mosey up the hill and on your 6 for:

  • LBC
  • Jane Fonda

To the hill for Quadraphilia where we ran up two side streets, then forward one street, then up two side streets. Wait for the 6, then mosey to the top of the hill for

  • 5 Burpees. Then –
  • 5 Burpees.

Mosey to the rocks, grab one. Then –

  • Low Curl
  • High Curl
  • Upright row
  • Chest press
  • Return-O

Mosey to the entrance. We circled up somewhat and then we did Lieutenant Dans***
Mosey to the Shovel Flag, circle up for Mary

* Bobby Hurley – When one does a squat and slaps the ground with both hands like a Duke basketball player, then jumps up and raising arms as if taking a jump shot.
** Allan Iverson – An exercise where you jump from the bottom of a left-side lunge to the bottom of a right-side lunge, and at the bottom you clap your hands together under your legs like you’re passing a basketball from one hand to the other.
*** Lieutenant Dan – Punishing leg exercise that is a cousin (of sorts) to Jack Webb. Named after Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump, it combines 1 squat followed by 4 lunges (alternating legs) in ascending order (maintaining the 1:4 ratio). It will leave the PAX feeling like “they ain’t got no legs”.


I don’t really remember what we did for this other than low flutters

Naked Moleskin

Again I apologize for the slow backblast. To those that pay attention to my Comz activities as you’ve realized I’ve been rather behind there too. There are reasons, though I have no intention to discuss here. I will do better. Just give me time please and a bit of room. I have no doubt though my F3 brothers would do anything other than everything they possibly could if asked because the 2nd F is strong and it is real.

Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 45 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 47 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 44 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 55 (highest age)
  • Min: 26 (lowest age)
  • Count: 17 (count of pax)
  • Standard Deviation: 8.24621 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
  • Kurtosis: 1.15688 (indicates how “tailed” the data, i.e., are there outliers)
  • Skewness: -1.29605 (describes the asymmetry of the data with respect to the mean, i.e., are we leaning left or right in a normal distribution. for about 3/4 of my qs, the skew leans negative, which is not surprising given the likelihood of more guys in their upper 40s/low 50s coupled with 2-3 pax in their 30s.)