Celebrating another trip around the sun and keeping the PAX on their toes

Also present were Red Card, STP, Mr Ed, Rogue, Durham, Puddin, STP

Warm Up: (with rain threatening but never actually showing)

     SSH X 15

     Imperial Walkers x 15

     Toy Soldiers x 15

     one burpee in honor of Puddin showing up late


     Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Since no one figured I would run for my Q (have you heard me say I hate running?) we moseyed

First stop was the basketball courts on Davidson campus when the infamous Official F3 Workout deck came out

So no one would think I had stacked things at all, one PAX picked a card at random for the exercise and a second PAX picked a card for the number of reps. Lucky cards included:

     Low Slow Squat


     Hand Clap Merkins (modify to normal merkins)

     Squat Thrust

Then mosy to the parking lot in front of Our Town Cinema. More lucky cards including:

     Backward Lunge

     Alternating Side Squat

     Plank Jack

Then mosey to the basketball courts at Ada Jenkins where the lucky cards included:


     Monkey Humpers

     High Slow Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the parking lot behind Carburritos where there was time for one more card pull.

     The lucky card pulled was 100 arm circles

Then back to the green for recover, recover (a minute late…sorry)


I really wanted to Q on my birthday as a sign of respect for all you men who have pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone this last year. I may not be the fastest and I may not always enjoy it at the time but I respect you all and I always feel better having done it. This circle around the sun wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable without all of you in it.

I offer my humble thanks