Celebrating Goat Turning 55 with Sports Trivia

YHC set the stage during warm-a-rama at the side parking lot of the Birkdale Movie Theatre.  It was a day to remember the number 55 as our own Gnarly Goat’s Birthday would be celebrated with him having taken 55 trips around the big ball in the sky.  There was a lot of hemming and hawing (YHC thinks that’s southern for complaining) about the start of the morning as YHC led with 55 SSH IC.  A disclaimer was also made that a total of 55 burpees would be scattered in throughout the workout in 5 sets of 11 reps, HOWEVER, PAX could avoid sets by answering some very simple trivia questions about famous sports figures who wore #55.

PAX should thank Airstream or buy him coffee at the next workout as he single-handedly saved everyone 22 burpees by answering 2 of the 3 “burpee erasing” trivia questions.  Question #1 (and I’m almost positive no one in attendance would have gotten this except Airstream) was name the NFL Hall of Fame linebacker from the 70’s that wore burgundy and gold – Chris Hanburger was the correct answer.  From there PAX would perform the standard Berean Bridge Crossing to the rock pile where curls, shoulder presses, bent-over rows, and a Callahan audible of skull crushers.  Question #2 was also answered correctly by Airstream in a most dramatic and last second way – YHC gave the PAX 10 seconds to answer the following:  Name the famous major league baseball player who wore the number 55.  Out of nowhere with time ticking off the clock and 2 seconds remaining, Airstream shouted out “Orel Hershiser”, the correct answer.  It was as dramatic as the previous night’s Hail Mary pass by Russell Wilson with time running out (sorry, not sorry Broncos for the big L on Sunday).

The one missed trivia that the PAX did not get was the famous NBA player who wore number 55:  Dikembe Mutombo.  All kinds of excuses and reasons why this one was missed were spewed out to no avail.  

Other random trivia was sprinkled in throughout the workout including famous 1968 birth years for Mary Lou Retton and Will Smith and on this very day 9/18/1968, former Chicago Bull and teammate of Michael Jordan, Toni Kukoc was born. Dingo actually answered this one correctly after YHC threw out a few hints.

Most importantly, Goat was celebrated this morning as he was away serving the Town of Davidson.

Thanks to all who came out…honored to lead in the gloom and start the day off with LKN’s finest men!

Humbly in Christ 



