Celebrating KISStory /RC Fence Builders part 1

We started our Saturday, as we normally do. We ended it with an amazing story. Here is how our day unfolded. 

We were fortunate to get an early morning visit from a gate keeper, which allowed us to park inside. Unfortunately, it wasn't our "Gatekeeper", what happened to him? Lear led us in the Pledge, and we moseyed to the far parking lot.

The Warm-a-rama

YHC went over the disclaimers, and gave a brief explanation of the intent of the workout. February 18th marks the 43 anniversary of the release of the debut album of the professional rock band, KISS. We went through all warm ups For a 10 count IC. The exercises were: SSH, WM,CP, and "Black Diamond" merkins.

The Thang

We headed over to "Detroit Rock City", and I instructed the Pax to choose a travel-sized rock. We circled up, and went through three rounds of: Curls, Skull Crushers, Bent Over Rows, and Chest Presses. The first round was 30 each for the 30 gold albums KISS has released, the second round was 20 for the 20 studio albums, and the third was 10 for the 10 total members of KISS. We also did 4 burpees, 1 for each decade.

We left our rocks, and went for 3 laps up the stairs. One each, touch every step, every other step, and every third step. At the snack bar, we stopped to put our Balls to the Wall, Preachers Chair, and PC with our arms raised. Back to our rocks for another 30, 20, 10. This time we tried rock assisted LBCs, rock assisted Mason Twists (omahaed to Goblet Squats for 20, and 10), and Bench Presses. Back to the steps for a backwards stair climb (that sucked, and was borderline dangerous), a two step lunge walk, and a three step lunge walk.

We circled up for another round of "Black Diamond" merkins, and a test for the Pax. YHC told the Pax we were going to do 10 burpees, but I would give them an opportunity to subtract one for each member of KISS. They got four (the easy ones). So we did 6 burpees.

Two rounds of quadrophillia up, and bear crawl down.

"Beth" I could have also used, "Shandi", or "Christine" (Mary)

10 each IC

Box Cutters, Cutter Boxes, W's.

"God Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You" (NMM)

Manhands found a soccer ball, he named it Wilson.

Glad to have Boo-Boo join us.

Irony of the day, Manhands explaining why Vibram soles were so good as he was sliding down the hill.

For anyone interested they are: Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehly, Peter Criss, Eric Carr, Eric Singer, Vinnie Vincent, Mark St John, Bruce Kulic, Tommy Thayer.

More to come… Fence build project