Chainsaws and machetes at Cauldron on Friday the 13th (or just round KBs)

Event Date

Oct 13, 2023

YHC saw the opportunity to sign up for a cauldron Fri 13th Q and grabbed it with the best of intentions… then life and work happened and there was little time for creative planning.  Nonetheless a spooky PB was sent and some exercise was planned. 13 pax in all showed with anticipation and wonder… but it was kinda just a normal workout. Here’s how it went:

Mosey across the street, through 760 to greenway circle up for warm-o-rama


X13 each exercise

Mosey a bit down the greenway to show the pax some art. Then back.

Mosey back to DPK to the KBs

The Thang all x13 IC

Single arm curls single count


Skull Crushers

Shoulder press

Chest press


Lawn mower right

Lawn mower left

Bent over rows

Side bend right

Side bend left


Calf raises

Run up the deck, down stairs and back.

Repeato the thang as much as possible, which was both sets of curls and skull crushers.

MWAR (13 reps single or in cadence)

The hockey-mask Moleskine:

Frogger anticipated “the regulars” (most of whom were not present) to jump out of the woods along the way. He held onto that hood until 6:14:59. Nope. The regulars were in the fartsack, at another AO and maybe in another country (Ultraman). 

While moseying on the greenway path Froggers yapper was stuck on… yappin. He didn’t notice the Q quietly stopped for Merkins while Frogger and his yapper continued running!

Amen pulled the greatest trick of them all when he treated the pax with Shoulder Touch Merkins instead of J-Lo during MWAR. Oh – except Snake Eyes had JUST called them before him!

Where was TooGun and his epic October skeleton with KB heart shirt???

Hope all the pax’s arms feel murdered.  Mine do. 

Coffeteria at Lowe’s was good but small/quiet. T-Claps to Lawn Dart for buying extra coffees. YHC still buzzin’.