YHC forgot to get someone booked to host The Mighty Oak on 10/2, so it was time to pull out a classic!
- Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC
- Toy Soldier x 15 IC
- IST x 15 IC
- Slow Windmill x 15 IC
- Slippery Dip Can x 15 IC
- Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
- Hamstring Stretch while we wait for Flo to pick up dog poop
With music pumping, there are three stations. One runner/timer, and two block-optional stations. The group jointly chooses the two exercises, and as the runner does a lap, the other two do (surprise) the other exercises. Rotate until everyone has run. Jointly pick two new ones, etc. etc.
- Round 1: Block Calf Raise / Shoulder Press
- Round 2: The Curl / Block Glute Bridge
- Round 3: Bent Over Row / Block Swing
- Round 4: Lawnmowers / Chest Press
- Round 5: WWII Sit-ups / Block Squat
- Round 6: Skull Crushers / Block Merkins
At one point while Roadie was running his lap, Flo’s dog took him out at full speed. Gotta keep your head on a swivel! Blocks back and mosey to launch for…
- LBC x 25 IC
- Freddy Mercury x 25 IC
- Pretzel Crunch x 15 Each Side IC
- Push-Throughs x 25 IC