Challenge Accepted!!

Event Date

Jul 17, 2018

Today 7 men took to the pavement at #Gladiator all in the name of, "This better be a _'n good backblast".  So I will give it my best shot…but remember I haven't written one in a while.

After arrving with seconds to spare, YHC revved up the engines and started us off with a nice little mosey around the entire parking lot at SMC.  As we come to a screaching hault, I learn that Blackbeard (and I'm sure a few others who chose not to post at Gladiator this morning) ran  7+ miles last night, T-claps fellas!  However, that would not make cause for an audible.  I had a plan – I needed to deliver an epic beatdown so Blackbeard would not post at Gladiator again so I could restart my streak of not posting #bb's 🙂

We warm-up with some stretching, then our standard issue 50 SSH + 25 IST.

Your Beatdown:

Partner up w/ each partner grabbing a cinder block.  All Zamparini to the #mainchannel.  At main channel, partner 1 farmer carries both blocks whilst partner 2 runs a lap around the entire parking lot.  At meet-up, 10 burpees each, then flap jack.  

As the PAX catches up to a hault, we Zamparini to the first median for 10 cinder block swings, OYO.  More Zamparini to the main channel, 10 squat to press, OYO.  Even more Zamparini to the next median (as we move toward the hill at the school), staggered 'mericans 10 IC.  Last Zamparini to the bottom of the hill at the school for staggered 'mericans – other hand – 10 IC.

At base of the hill find your partner.  Partner one will AMRAP mountain climbers on the block, partner 2 quadra-feel-ya up the hill for 10 jump squats, OYO.  Flapjack.

Upon return, partner 1 alternating block jumps/touches.  Partner 2 quadra-feel-ya up the hill for 10 jump squats, OYO.  Flapjack.

Upon return, partner 1 block squats AMRAP.  Partner 2 quadra-feel-ya up the hill for 10 jump squats, OYO.  Flapjack.  Upon return 10 block pullovers IC.

Zamparini to the top of the hill, 10 cinder block swings OYO.  Move the blocks out of the way, but not put away and line up for a native american run to the pull up bars.

At pull-up bars, must compete 30 reps using a combo of any of the following exercises:  pull up, chin up, pull up body hang, toes to the bar.  We then line up in another native american run back to the blocks for…


The W w/ cinder block x 10 IC

Low fludda w/ cinder block x 10 IC

On your feet for F3's newest and favorite exercise, THE BLAST OFF BURPEE.  5 IC

That's a wrap:

1. Fantastic day for a beatdown.  Always love starting my day with the PAX.  I personally had a terrible night of sleep, dreaded having to show up.  But, once there the energy and the adrenaline started pumping.  Good mumble chatter doesn't hurt either.

2. Thanks to all of the PAX for showing up this morning and giving 110%!  The sweat was flowing and everyone was working for all 45+ minutes, no breaks…totally AWESOME!