Chandler Bing

Not on the list is [discount] "DoubleCheck" and FNG "Bing"

20 IC Tony Hawks
15 IC Slow Count 'Mericans (Slow down 1-2-3, fast up 4)
20 IC Monkey Humpers

Parking lot mosey

Sally Up 'Mericans

The Ark Loader
Monkey walk (switch sides half way)
Dragon Walk
Frog Jumps
Bear Crawl
Bunny Hop
Crab Walk

Sally Up Squats

Mosey over to the covered area where the Q barks out order for a tabata like meat grinder
Weights and kettle bells and such
Setup stations of Curls, kettle bells, jump rope, bodyweight.  30 seconds at each station with  10 sec. transitions/rest
1.  Right arm curl (35 lb)
2.  Right leg Scorpion Mericans
3.  Left arm curl (35 lb)
4.  Left leg scorpion Mericans
5.  KB Swings (18 kg or 39 lb)
6.  Jump Rope
7.  KB Clean and press (14 kg or 31 lb)
8.  LBC with plate (17 lb brake rotor)
9.  2 arm deltoid raise w/ plate (17 lb brake rotor)
10.Plank ups
Repeato  for 13:10

20 IC FM
5 IC Dr. W's
30 Sec Mason Twist

What’s your purpose?  Why are you here? Are you taking full advantage of your spiritual gifts?  Mine are giving, and serving.  Maybe that’s why i like to #GiveItAway and take great joy in leading these workouts.  One spiritual gift I have never had is administration and leadership, BUT this group has made me grow in this area.  I am an introvert, but you put me here in this setting with this small group of men and I turn into something else.  #IronSharpensIron.  Now I talk so much, some of you may wish I’d just shut up.  So here is your reflection today.  What are you doing to serve Gods will?  Are you using your spiritual gifts as best as you can?

Ephesians 2:8-10 Common English Bible (CEB)
You are saved by God’s grace because of your faith.[a] This salvation is God’s gift. It’s not something you possessed. It’s not something you did that you can be proud of. 10 Instead, we are God’s accomplishment, created in Christ Jesus to do good things. God planned for these good things to be the way that we live our lives.


  • Met Eighty-Eight today.  Eighty-Eight may be the first person to ever be drinking coffee during the warmup.
  • Glad to introduce so many people to Sally today.  So much so that you got her twice.
  • Sonar locks his keys in the car.  Luckily his M comes to the rescue
  • Let it be known that Clark was the first one to the workout by about 5 minutes.  This is rare.  I will probably make up for it tomorrow.
  • Welcome Chandler.  You had to leave at 6:05 so you didn’t get to hear your name, but we decided on one for you. One that you probably have no idea what it means as your age says you’ve never seen an episode of Friends.  But hence forth you will be known as “Bing” so that in the COT when you call out your name you will say “Chandler Bing”.  Just make sure you watch an episode of Friends to get the reference and when you say “Bing” say it like you are ringing a bell.
  • Not to mention what that says about your dad, Eighty-Eight.  Maybe we can get him to dress in drag next time.