Change of plans due to injuries

YHC remembered to wake up a little earlier in the morning to make the earlier start time of The Widerness.  I arrived to the lot that already had a couple cars in it, but no people.  Afew minutes later some standard runners made their appearance, and more PAx came rolling in, on foot, by car, and on bike.  The Force asked if there was going to be a lot of running in order to keep his brace on.  I said the first part would be a bit

Go time arrived and we made the quick mosey over to the tree to circle up for warmorama


All warmed up and feeling good we headed over to Hugh Torance

The plan was to do 4 rounds of the following:

Run up to the circle – half regular, at the Park Grove intersection do quadraphelia

We started out running and then all of a sudden Topgun comes cruising by on his bke.  Apparently he was a bit injured from previous days.  A least hen he got to the circle he started doing burpees.

PAX all met up and down to plank.  Merkins, plank jacks, mountain climbers

Back down to the clubhouse, same format – run then quadraphelia.

Back to clubhouse and into plank position.  Merkins, plank jacks, peter parkers

On the way back I figured Topgun was not enjoying the moment as much as the rest of the PAX, so I decided to cut the rest of the first half of my plan and move to the second half and fill the lost time on the fly

Over to the basketball court and grab a rock

Low curls, high curls, full curls, skull crushers, bent over rows

rocks down

Bear crawl from one end to the other, 10 merkins, crab walk back, 10 CCD

Grab rocks repeato

Side shuffle one end to other and return.  I think we did merkins and CCD again?  Somewhere we did jump squats?

Line up couple rows along long side of court, plank walk all the way left, did something (maybe the jump squats were here?) plank walk back right

Grab rocks threepeato but with shoulder press added in

Rocks back hed to lot

Lieutenant Dans up to 8, finished perfectly at the cars

Just a couple min of MARY, LBC and Jane Fonda's


Thank you all who came out, and thanks to Topgun for the chance to lead, and making everyone happy that they did not have to run as much as planned.
