Changing It Up & The Burpee

11 men came out in the gloom to find an out of the ordinary Arnie's Army.  Yes the week of The Outlaw was celebrated


Circle the track and circle up

The Burpee

SSH x 25

The Burpee

Donkey kicks x 20

The Burpess

IST x 15

The Burpee

Cotton Picker x 15

Find 5 lines in the parking lot for modified suicides

line 1 5 merkins run back line 2 10 merkins and up to 25 merkins

line 1 10 squats run back line 2 20 squats and up to 50 squats

line 1 1 burpee run back line 2 2 burpees and up to 5 burpees

line 1 5 LBCs run back line 2 10 LBCs and up to 25 LBCS

line 1 5 CDDs run back line 2 10 CDDs and up to 25 CDDs

Mosey to block pile for

Zamperini Time Bomb 7 to 1

Slow mosey to pull up bars for 20 unassisted pullups

Back to block for

Curls x 10

Skull Crushers x 10

Chest press x 10

Curl negativs 5 to 8


Back to pullup bars for 10 more pullups

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary

LBCs x 25

Homer to Marge w/ scissor kicks x 10

V ups x 10 each side

30 Seconds of plank


1) Small but enthusiatic crowd as the week of THE Outlaw skimmed some numbers

2) Surprised the PAX with the suicides and I believe heard a BS call on the squats

3) Continued our "get to 50 unassisted pull-ups" training

4) Week of THE Outlaw created 21 Burpee moments for the Army. Too bad THE Outlaw wasn't there to do them. He needs to visit the Army again