Changing of the Guards

It’s been awhile for some to the Estate so let’s show of the grounds to the everyone and why it’s the best AO.

Mosey to the corner of the first soccer field, SSH x 20

Mosey to the corner of the first soccer field, Frankenstein x 15

Mosey to the corner of second soccer field, IST x 10

Mosey to the corner of the third soccer field, Long snapper x 10

Mosey to the corner of the 4th soccer filed, Windmill

2 squats at the bottom of the hill and 2 squats at the top, 

To the overflow lot…

Partner up,  Partner hand shake merkins 2 – each partner runs separte directions and do LBC’s

count by 2’s up to 10 for partner handshake/patty cake merkins and LBC

one arm air press x 10 each arm

Mosey… well look there’s Hippe, Blackbeard, and Knockout….we got to get the warm…

Gasers x 3

One arm air press x 5 each arm

Mosey to stop light….you know…Monkey Humpers…

Mosey down sidewalk stop, stop for 5 Wide merkins..

Mosey toward Bradley.

Zig zag bushes…

to the high curb…

Raised arm Merkins on the curb x 10 flip flop

Dip x 10

Mosey to entrance of Bradley

Step up each leg – 10

Mosey to basketball court

Shoulder touch Merkin Dora with sucidces using the basket ball courts

Gasers x 3

Dips x 10

Mosey to the side of the school at the loading dock..

Helping hands  -2 and then partner 1 runs to the loading dock for 10 squats Partner 2 does low flutter 

Merkin x 5

Mosey to the back of the school ….not sure what the structure is called

Merkins x 10

Jump over and back – 5

Mosey to the hill on the back of school…

Tunnel of love

Mosey to track  for some traveling Mary….

First corner – Bicycle x 15

Second corner  – Jack knife LBC x 12 each leg

Third corner – Roselita x 10

Mosey to the hill for a ladder

4 merkins at the bottom 4 squats at the top…up to 10



Wanted to Thank Camelback for his leadership, I’m honored to take over the master Q at the Estate. I remembered when I first started F3, Moses encouraged Freedom and I to branch off and start the Estate. To me is a special place and I’ve spent my Saturday’s here for years so I’m looking forward to taking over the Q.

Surprised this morning when Perrier came with his wife to take pictures, we are going to be in the Cornelius magazine. 

Got to give it to the Natan… Cherry bomb was not feeling well but showed up for a brief moment to just make sure the group was aware of the pictures and see the group! Dedication

The Forces carried around his belt for the first half of the workout and looks like he has a new photo. It was a beautiful morning.

I think we covered a little over 2 miles today, great work men!



