Charge the Hill!

PAX of 7 rolled out of the fartsack for a cool and misty slugfest at The Blender. The PAX wasted no time and got right to it.


  • SSH 15X IC
  • Mountain Climbers 15X IC
  • Muricans 10X IC
  • Squats 10X IC

Grab KB's and mosey to closest parking lot island facing the hill. At the beginning of each round the PAX backed up to the next parking lot island getting further away from the hill than the round previous until we reached the end of the parking lot (5 rounds total). All reps were OYO.

  • Round 1 – 10 Thrusters, run up the hill, 5 Burpees, run back to KB's
  • Round 2 – 10 Thrusters, 20 Muricans, run up the hill, 5 Burpees, run back to KB's
  • Round 3 – 10 Thrusters, 20 Muricans, 30 Iversons, run up the hill, 5 Burpees, run back to KB's
  • Round 4 – 10 Thrusters, 20 Muricans, 30 Iversons, 40 KB Swings, run up the hill, 5 Burpees, run back to KB's
  • Round 5 – 10 Thrusters, 20 Muricans, 30 Iversons, 40 KB Swings, 50 Jump Squats, run up the hill, 5 Burpees, run back to KB's

Grab KB's and mosey to patio. Put KB's in a circle. Repeat circuit while decreasing reps by 2 until reaching 4 reps/exercise. KB Swings were the exception, decreasing by 5 reps

  • Dips 10X IC
  • Derkins 10X IC
  • KB Shoulder Press 10X IC
  • KB Swings 20 OYO
  • KB Curls 10X IC



  • Apparently YHC missed a previously scheduled Q and appreciate the opportunity to make it up
  • Nice job by all – whole lot of running and a whole lot of reps