Charlotte Metro comes to the Village Green

Forty-two pax converged Saturday at 7am for a potentially problematic workout, including about 8-9 from Charlotte Metro Core.  These old guys from Core brought it!  (We can say that because we're old in Davidson too!)  Despite the numbers, it was a great group and we moved around the Davidosn A/Os with ease.  Here's the Pain that happened in between.

Other Pax not listed above: methane, riptide, pigskin (war daddy), zamboni, meatball, cracjerjack war baby I think), gilligan, babylon, hall pass, fannie mae, d re mi, rocketman.





Mtn Climber


Alt lunge

Side lunge

Toy soldier



Continue warm-up by running back and forth across Green about 8 times with jogs, butt kickers, hi knees, power skips, etc.


Village Greenway to Seven:  Run seven times across Green, doing 5 burpees  at the end and 5 broad jumps on the way back across Green.  Repeat seven times for 35 burpees and 35 broad jumps total.  Run to DUMC.


DUMC Two Groups:


Group 1: Pavers – 10 squats/press, 20 curls  – run to dumpster and back, repeat

Group 2: Sand Bags – 20 squat sand bag wall ball throws + 20 pushups and 20 more wall bags


Flip flop twice, then run to IB School


IB School – Midway Mary (bring in Charlotte's own Rocketman to lead 5-6 Mary exercises)


Split into 4 Groups for IB School four station circuit:


1- 10 pullups run to blacktop

2- 20 pushups run to tables

3- 30 Mary Katherines run down hill

4- 40 LBCs run back to bars


Repeat Cyclye 3 times.


Back to Green for Mary as you like it, led by Riptide.






This was nothing new for the pax but the way it was all strung together seemed to elicit its fair share of BS calls and midwife noises.  Not a ton of running between A/Os, but the heart rate stayed up for most of the workout.  Midway Mary was a welcome moment of relief.


Don't forget to register for the March 5 F3 Party in Charlotte celebrating 5 years (register at  Big event the Charlotte guys came up here to promote.  Let Tiny know if you want to coordinate transportation and ride down there together.