Chasing [fat] Amy (or Chicken Little)

After a 6 week hibernation, YHC returned to the gloom to dish out some pain.  On the schedule today was a workout called "Fat Amy" followed by her brother "Fat Andy"- From what I gather, this is a fallen hero workout.  A geniune heartfelt thanks for all those who have served!   Not sure where the name comes from- I think Fat Amy may have been  a lot lizard. 

The following exercises were done, OYO.  There was no warmup… just a 1/4 mile run for by-in.  

The Thang…

Fat Amy

Fat Andy

¼ mile run

50 Squats

50 Lunges

10 Merkins

40 LBC

40 Flutter Kicks

10 Merkins

30 Upright Row

30 curls

10 Merkins

20 Skullcrushers

20 overhead press

10 Merkins

10 Burpees

10 burpees

10 Merkins

¼ mile run

10 Burpees

10 burpees

10 Merkins

20 Skullcrushers

20 overhead press

10 Merkins

30 Upright row

30 curls

10 Merkins

40 LBC

40 flutter kicks

10 Merkins

50 Squats

50 Squats

10 Merkins

¼ mile run


It was great seeing dudes out there again.  I was tired of working out on my own… I got sick of thinking stuff up- must have done the Murph a half dozen times.  It required no imagination.  

Chicken Little is a man among boys doing this stuff.  Not only did he whip Fat Amy and Fat Andy, he had to do his own Fat Eddie.  I think Cupcake was on to Fat Eddie too.  They are seriously a couple of dudes right there. 

Thanks to all the frontline guys keeping us safe and healthy- miliary, police, fire, doctors, nurses, support staff and SANITATION!  Let's not forget our brother Discraft for keeping everything running!