Chasing O-Possum

Event Date

Jun 27, 2022

YHC – Called out a lot of individulas on twitter and opened up opportunity for ruck and run / walk options.  Main F3 Isotope HQ must have been alerted as MQ Fun Czar (or whatever his official title is) Popcorn came out this AM. More on that later.

Every backblast should start out like Jolly's.  "At approximately 0430 the alarm goes off.  Hit the snooze button. . .snooze again . . .0455 rub the heavily formed crust out of my tear ducts.  The smell of bourbon on my hands is gently faded like the smell of a woman's perfume after she's left. . .but the memory of her lingers.  I decide to gather up the will to hit the road and go."

Just like the preblast promised. Opportunity to get up and kick Monday in the (Fire) Balls. Arrive and of course Possum's has the only vehicle in the parking lot.  YHC – 1 mile standard.  Along the way hear sirens heading to Bailey Glen.  Was very concerned something happened to Possum.  Turned around to grab the 6.

0530 9 lives, Cousin Eddie, Popcorn and YHC head out to go find Possum.  at 0531 Dallas, after the long commute, pulls into the parking lot on two wheels.  He announces he's rucking solo so we carry on to find Possum.

General conversation insued.  That's when I realized Popcorn was there to audit the workout.  The tweets last night must have been taken as my siren song.  Also 9 Lives was there and advertised he was running slow (keep it above 9min Pace there PAX).  Mess up and surely this was going back to Slaughter.  What to do?  We had to go find Possum, but couldn't go to fast to break up the group and couldn't go too soft as surely would be reported to the Nation. 

Somehow with a couple Bangs, we all stayed (generally) together and as promised ran into Possum right after Bailey Springs Hill.  All made it back. Cadre and fun Csar asked if we were going to do that thing.  Tested again.  Round of COT, which of course means that's why I am writting this backblast to complete an F3 Workout.  


9 Lives 10 year anniversay this coming Saturday.  I hear it will be a convergence and a CSAUP and beverages would be provided.  That's what I think I heard.  It was early and hadn't had coffee.

7.4 Race coming up this weekend.  Look out for the announcements.  Support of Speed for Need by Purple Heart Homes who will be pushing a Vet they have supported.  If you don't want to run, come out and volunteer at water stations.  Frazier and Fenway know the race director to get in touch on the details.

Prayers for all the unspoken prayer requests this morning, whether said or in the heart they are heard and should be held deeply


Thank God we get to get up in the morning and do this thing called F3.  Popcorn reminded me this morning if YHC biggest concern first thing in the morning is where to work out and which upcoming race to sign up for is top of mind, that things must be going good.  You're a good dude Popcorn.

Possum is a beast.  Such a stud.  All agreed on our run.  I had no doubt if I called him out on Twitter he would show.  It's called accountability folks.  You could learn a thing or two from Possum.  I'm very grateful you were safe on your solo ruck and all made it back at the end. Keep it up brother and keep pushing others.

Always love hanging with 9 Lives.  Maybe not a Quarter Ruck but a little 5 mile run is perfect.  10 years of F3.  Amazing.

Thanks Dallas for showing up during the Audit so we didn't look bad.  Im listed as the MQ on the website, you've been the MQ. But it looks like in checking back on the BackBlasts Cousin Eddie has been writing them.  Do we have a new MQ itching to step up?  Eddie?  Is that you?

Thanks Count for EH'ing me back Jan 7, 2017.  We spoke about it on our run this AM.  Thats how impactful this thing is.  You can tell the day your life has changed. F3 is a gift.  Go out and spread the word and give it to others. Its FREE right??

Until next time. . . .LF