Chatty gloomsters on this fine friday

Not too cold for the gloomsters this morning. However it was cold enough that there was tons of chatter. Lets get to work and hush the guys up!


SSH Variable Speeds x30 ic
Arm Circles
Windmill x10ic
Carrot Pullers x10ic
Toy Soldier x10ic


Set #1 (2 Rounds)

  • Burpess x10
  • KB Goblet Squat x10 ic
  • KB Curls x10 ic
  • KB Around the worlds / both ways
  • KB shoulder Press x10
  • KB Skull Crushers x10
  • Man Maker Burn x10
  • Run up ramp, back down stairs, and run up ramp to start

Set #2 (1 Round)

  • Burpess x10
  • Ultraman lead us in some mobility
  • Run up ramp, back down stairs, and run up ramp to start

Set #3 (2 Rounds)

  • Burpess x10
  • KB American hammer x10 ic
  • KB Sitting Stack Shelfs x10 ic
  • KB Halo / both ways
  • KB Chest Press x10 ic
  • KB WWII x10
  • Run up ramp, back down stairs, and run up ramp to start

Extra 5 Burpees for any cheaters

Mary: – Pass it around the pax

Recover recover 


  • As always, a really fun workout with tons of mumble chatter
  • Always appreciate the support from the consistent brothers Ultra, TG, Die Hard, Backbeard, Amen and Titan!
  • Praise for the continued recovery of TG's mom and Cancer free! Also Ultra's mom is doing very well!
  • Thanks to The Force for allowing me the honor to Q!