Chelsea Brought Her Sister to Samson

FNG -1 = Big Gulp (Hasselhoff's 2.0)


YHC rolled into Samson this morning to find another car in the parking lot with an F3 sticker…but no pax inside. Got to wonderinger if there was a pax on a solo standard or just napping in the backseat. Tugboat and others started to roll in and then we see Jimmy O rucking back towards us (mystery solved as to whose car it was). Cars kept pouring in and suddenly we found ourselves at a record attendance of 10. Jedi was sure Ramrod would be pulling in soon, but 5:30am came around and not a Ramrod to be found. We took a little mosey to the pull-up bars and already the pax were starting to groan.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO



Chelsea (Do all exercises below OYO EMOM) x 5 minutes

  • Pull-ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15


Pax were complaining about Chelsea, so we spent time with Chelsea’s little sister (All OYO EMOM) x 5 minutes

  • Burpees x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • WWI Sit ups x 15


Run to the end of parking row 1

  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

Run to the end of parking row 2

  • CDD x 15 IC

Run to the end of parking row 3

  • Jump squats x 10 OYO

Run to the end of parking row 4

  • Wide arm Merkins x 15 IC

Run to the end of parking row 5

  •  LBC x 20 IC

Run to the end of parking row 6

  • Burpee x 5 OYO


Mosey back to the bars for Chelsea (Do all exercises below OYO EMOM) x 5 minutes

  • Pull-ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15


Run to the end of parking row 1

  • Hand Release Merkins x 10 OYO

Run to the end of parking row 2

  • Smurf Jacks x 10 IC

Run to the end of parking row 3

  • Peter Parker x 15 IC

Run to the end of parking row 4

  • Alternating Lunges x 10 IC

Run to the end of parking row 5

  •  Burpees x 5 OYO


Mosey to launch



  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC 
  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC (each side)
  • Touch dem heels x 15 IC


Recover. Recover.


The Mole’s Skin

  • YHC’s goal today was to deliver a brutal beatdown to force the pax into grabbing Qs at Samson. Time will tell when September rolls around. Don’t make YHC come back now!
  • Jedi was appreciative of the beatdown. Jedi was unappreciative of Ramrod HCing and then pulling a no-show.
  • Lots of mumblechatter which was to be expected given the pax in attendance. Only moderate censorship due to Hasselhoff’s 2.0 being in attendance.
  • For those who want to do something to help out Crab Legs and his family, click this link à
  • For those who want to test their strength against pax all over the country, check out this preblast à


Thanks Hasselhoff for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all pax in attendance and congratulations on surviving the suck that was this morning’s workout. – CB