Chelsea’s Little Sister — and workout is Chim Chim Approved

Warm up (all in cadence):

  • SSH’s x 15 (as always)

  • Paused due to a senior moment, Windmill x 10

  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 15

  • Stretch Down the Middle, Stretch Right, Right hurdler stretch, torso stretch, same x left

The Thang:


As required, we split in two, half went with Tater and half came with me.  And, have to give credit where credit is due, I stole the concept of this workout from Don Ho from the 3/12 Blender workout called Chelsea’s little sister (with a little running).


Mosey to DUMC, pick up paver of choice and circle up: each minute, do the following:

  • 5 burpees

  • 10 merkins

  • 15 curls

  • Repeat x 3 (meaning 4 in total)

  • Full lap including the steps around the DUMC parking lot


    Repeat above 5 times (after the 3 round, we held a mobility minute with pigeon for each leg).


That’s 100 burpees, 200 merkins & 300 curls


Tater’s group also went to DUMC, they ran more, carried sandbags and bricks and did many hard things.



  • FNG1= Moonlight, FNG2= Spinarkle,FNG3= Seabiscuit, FNG4= Old Ball Coach, FNG5=Tin Man.Not listed: Lou’s Bitch.Get signed up on the website boys!

  • 18 strong men pushed hard today with a minimal of mumblechatter (except Duvall, because he mostly watched)



  • Across F3Nation, the 3/27 workout will end find minutes early to provide time in the circle of trust to discuss loneliness, depression or suicide, if you feel called to share your experience.Note: your story may not compel someone who needs to hear it to speak up immediately, but it may compel them to grab somebody and have a conversation about the trouble they may be having or at least begin to take some form of action.Unofficially, 1 in 5 men is struggling with some form of the above.

  • Thanks to Holiday for giving me the opportunity to lead these fine men

  • Many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 6+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m forever grateful that he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the word.Jolly Roger said it best that someone out there is praying for this and they won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy.
