Cherrybomb and arguments over songs

YHC was Kavetching about the weather early in the week but was pleasantly surprised by a tepid 40 Degrees and no wind before Sno-mageddon arrived.  YHC also planned a beat down extraordinaire for the Pax who weren't running.   The goal was to make setting up Christmas Decorations difficult.  Here is what went down at St Mark's with my two promises – no burpees, no running.

Warm O' Rama 

Note:  The workout starts when the bells start, not when they finish – thank you very much my very early mumblechatter reminders.  LOL

  1. SSH – IC X12
  2. Merican with a step out – IC X12
  3. Mosey to the other side of the parking lot where the 'Panel of Pain' was established with my Sony Speaker waiting

The Main Thang

Confession – I hit the wrong channel on the first music interlude. We quickly went back to my classic mix with a little bit of everything.   Cherrybomb came on in round 3 and we decided that was an appropo name for the workout.  The Pax have spoken. 

The GAME – "Grown Ass Man Exercises" – is simple – one exercise performed by a single Pax is the timer while everyone does AMRAP.  After a few seconds of introductions of each example, we were off and NOT running

  1. The TIMER – A 40 Lbs slam ball is to be thrown overhead and chased.   Go from cone 1 to Cone 2 and then back to 1.   The distance is roughly 3 throws overhead. ~your welcome 'Merica
  2. (Added after the 7:25 arrival of one of the Pax) 20 lbs dumbells are used for a squat and overhead press
  3. 25 lbs dumbells are used for a lunge and curl 
  4. The Bosu ball is used for a high plank
  5. The battle ropes Pax is supposed to do reverse lunges while doing single arm slams (lots of modifications here)
  6. The 30 lbs slam ball is used to do an overhead slam with a squat pick up
  7. The 35 lbs kettle bell is used for a Russian Twist
  8. The 35 lbs bench plate is used for a press while doing a Freddie Mercury
  9. The 20 lbs med ball with handles Pax performs an Total Body Builder or 8 Count burner (did we ever settle on a name here?)
  10. To make sure that heart rate stays high, the Pax do an alternate step up with a 12 lbs med ball press
  11. The 45 lbs Capt America Bench Plate is used for a WW2 Sit Up.   Modifications allowed to do an overhead press
  12. 35 lbs weights allow you to do a nice high plan alternating back pull.   A delight to the shoulder and abdomen.  
  13. The Pax perform a plank walk from end to end in the parking space

After 3 rounds, the Pax votes on staying with the same exercises or switching.  The votes I heard about said to stay.  So we did.  Let's do 5 rounds!  Yeah baby!

5 Minutes of Mary

  • Put the tools away in the truck and circle up
  • V-up IC X12
  • Pretzel crunch IC x6 flapjack repeato
  • Modified Whats New Pussycat
    • I promised no burpees.   Usually the Pax holds Al Gore and does a burpee on 'Whats new Pussycat while the Tom Jones song plays.
    • Due to my promise, we went with the hold high plank and do an up-down plank during the catch phrase
    • Here is the comedy routine that inspired this fine little addition to the workout:–pussycat-
    • Enjoy…
  • Recover, recover


The Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Everyone seems to talk early in these workouts and they go quiet.  What gives?
  • Blackbeard was the first to call people out on poor performance on the TIMER leg.  Good on you BB. 
  • Srappy was top notch on the Overhead throw. The ball/ground/Scrappy ratio made for a very ergo dynamic experience for him
    • Note – once I proposed that the Foo Fighters were the penultumate grunge band his cadence on every exercise doubled
    • Note to the note – His swearing in ceremony in late January.   Show up to support one of our own from F3.  I still think he oversold his wife on the size 12 shoes. 
  • Tantrum knew what he was in store for, but still killed it. 
  • I think I saw Toxic and Metallica break a sweat, so I'll consider my job done well enough.   Toxic did break something else in Mary and then blamed it on Blackbeard causing me to nearly lose my cadence. 
  • 98 degrees has some mad reverse lunge rope skills.   My man got after it on most efforts. 
  • Woodstock looked like he wanted to run.   Instead he stayed and suffered through a beating.
  • Despite the torn hammy, Landline did it all.  He did linger a bit on the 40 lbs ball toss but thats understandable with that beast. 
  • Toxic made sure everyone was ready before starting the ball toss.   #disciplineisfreedom
  • Metallica had some solid mumble chatter
  • The blending of the Estate and Mighty Jungle resulted in some cross wires
    • #1Thats what she said is ALWAYS appropoiate
    • #2 Who did the original Blinded by the light?   If it werent for the internet, I may never know.   The Springsteen/ Manfred Man argument continues. Springsteen wrote it, but they recorded.  Apparently nuances get lost
  • Scrappy does not agree that the Foo Fighters were the penultimate Grunge Band.   Please get him started on Bush some day.  Its a good time for all. 
  • Excuse me while I eat crow.   GNR released Use Your Illusion in '91.  I had Live and Let Die in the late 80s.  My bad
  • Cherrybomb is a classic song.  It was recently made famous in the soundtrack for Gaurdians of the Galaxy.   Watch that scene in the first movie and notice the yawn. 
  • Woodstock was in classic form on the high plank.  He reminded me a pointer.