Chesty Puller would be proud of these PAX

19 of the Isotopes finest gathered this morning at The General. They could have easily rolled over and hit the snooze but they chose to support each other and YHC. Accountability. The morning started off chilly but quickly warmed as the mumble chatter started fast and furious! The only way to have it with 19 hard chargers at 5:30am in 27 degree temp.
Welcome and Disclaimer. Mosey to flag where the Little Professor lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, home for Christmas break LP chooses to come out and embarrass his Dad’s friends multiple times a week with his speed and strength, special kid! I give him a lot of credit.

2 laps around parking lot FW jog/Side Shuffle right and left/Back Pedal
Circle up for SSH, IST, Prisoner Squats, Long Snapper, Groin stretch, Mountain Climbers, Parker Peters, Mericans, Standing SL Knee Hugs and Dbl and SL Pogo’s.

The Thang
Mosey to rockpile for traveling rock, walk to corner of Eagle Ridge Way Ln doing bicep curl shoulder press combo. Circle up for:
Sumo Goblet Squat 20 IC
Skull Crushers 20 IC
Shoulder Width Goblet Squat 20 IC
Shoulder rock lift over left shoulder/right shoulder/head 20 IC
Narrow width Goblet Squat 20 IC
Mosey to bottom of ERW Ln; Plank, right arm plank, left arm plank, plank jacks 10 IC
Double time up ERW Ln to rocks
Sumo Goblet Squat 20 IC
Bicep Curl 20 IC
Shoulder Width Goblet Squat 20 IC
Low Rows 20 IC
Narrow Width Goblet Squat 20 IC
Mosey to bottom of ERW Ln: LBC 2o IC, Dying Cockroach 20 IC, Pretzel Crunch 20 IC
Double time up ERW Ln to rocks
Half Keeling Right/Left rock toss over opposite shoulder 10 each IC
Travel back to rockpile shoulder press (YHC called out chest press and was immediately reminded we where not lying down so we where not doing a chest press)…………….got it.
Rocks returned a little warmer then when they where first picked up, estimated rock temp this AM 25!
Mosey back to playground for Australian pull ups and Dbl and single leg Christian McCaffrey’s
Mosey back to base for Mary; helped out by Deep Dish, Hollywood, Lone Star and Holiday.

Great morning with the PAX, appreciate the support and camaraderie. Strong attendance on a cold morning.
Shake reminded us to continue to pray for Moonlight
Holiday asked for prayers for a long time friend who just passed away by the name of Frank. Prayers for Frank, his family and friends.
We are all so fortunate and blessed we need to remember that and never take that for granted. Love our family and friends, tell them that through our words and actions. As I have said before, you do much more for me then I can ever do for you F3!

“Conquer evil with good!” ST.P
