Chief’s Back and the Tale of an Abbreviated Q

So, Banana Peel needed a guest Q, Chief step ups….for 25 minutes….until….

Warm-ups (IC): SSH 12, IST 12, Mericans 12, Goblet Squats 12, Ribbons 12,

The Thang: Basically, numerous exercises with the bell were done, IC, with the number being 12 or 24, depending on what chief was feeling like doing.  They included, but were not limited to: BELL BC's, Lawn Mowers R/L, Flutter Presses, Freddie Merc Presses, KB swings, Mil Presses, Skull Crushers, Curls, etc.

THEN….smack dab in the middle of 'Bent Over Rows'….Chief goes down, and BIG!  His back went into spasm, and we worked for a minute or two to try and relieve it.  He pressed us to continue the Q, without him, so we did!

More of the 12's IC with KB's: KB swings, Squats, Shambalas, Low Flutter Presses, Press and Pullovers, Bent Over Rows, Mil Presses, and a few others.

Mary (IC): Bell BC 12, Freddie Mercs 12, W's 12. Recover, recover.


-This was a splendid Q, crafted deftly by none other than F3RCUSA's very own godfather, one Daniel 'Chief' Dougherty. (we still have no idea what the 12/24 significance meant, but we are certain it DID mean something:-)

-There were 5 runners, 7 bootcampers.  5+7=12, a clean dozen today

-Chief's back going out, and the subsequent guest guest Q, and frankly, the runners 'lurking about' prompted the guest guest Q to end the workout at 6:05, hoping for a longer Coffeeteria, sorry Banana Peel.

-We prayed for Cupcake's back surgery in the COT, fist bumped, and set about our day…..what a way to begin it!