Unregistered Pax: Tin Man, Scorsese, Methane, Rip Tide, Zamboni, Paul Shaffer, Moonlight, Padre.

I got the idea behind this workout from a co-worker that posts in Area 51. A Q there created a workout based on Monopoly, my favorite board game. Immediately my mind began cranking and I came up with a workout that was going to be a lot of fun or another epic failure.

After learning of the Monopoly workout, I spent too many hours creating my own version, printing up "properties with corresponding exercises", ordering dice from Amazon, and then the day before, printing up Monopoly money. I rose earlier than normal and used the fact I had to set up my "game board" as an excuse to skip TPR's Sat. AM Ruck.

I warned the Pax this workout was going one of two ways, either I was going to be abused more than normal and forever cement my standing in the Museum of Failure or we'd have a blast. The pax quickly let me know, I was going to be verbally abused regardless.

A quick standard warmup and off we went to the college football stadium. Welcome to Duvall's Monopoly Board, I randomly picked 6 pax members to be team captains, handed each of them a set of dice, and then had the rest of the pax line up behind them. The object was to roll the dice then mosey that number of spaces to the correspnding "property" and do the exercise for that "property". Take a Monopoly bill, roll the dice and mosey on.

Here's what the "board" looked like…

GO – 10 Count (Middle of scoreboard End Zone)

Mediterranean Ave – 10 LBC’s (End Zone – Far Corner)

Baltic Ave – 10 Merkins IC (10yd Line)

Vermont Ave – 10 Alt Lunges IC (20yd Line)

Connecticut Ave – 10 Jump Squats OYO (30yd Line)

St. Charles Pl – 10 Half Burpees OYO (40yd Line)

States Ave – 10 Squats IC (50yd Line)

Virginia Ave – 10 Flutter Kicks IC (40yd Line)

St. James Pl – 10 Wide Merkins IC (30yd Line)

Tennessee Ave – 10 Mountain Climbers IC (20yd Line)

New York Ave – 10 J-Lo’s IC (10yd Line)

Kentucky Ave – 10 Diamond Merkins IC (End Zone – Middle)

Indiana Ave – 3 Stadiums (10yd Line)

Illinois Ave – 10 Calf Raises-Toes Straight IC (20yd Line)

Atlantic Ave – 10 Calf Raises-Toes Out (30yd Line)

Ventnor Ave – 10 Hello Dolly’s IC (40yd Line)

Marvin Gardens – 10 Supine Pull-Ups OYO (50yd Line)

Pacific Ave – 10 Partner Merkins IC (40yd Line)

North Carolina Ave – 10 Carolina Dry Docks IC (30yd Line)

Pennsylvania Ave – 10 Mason Twists IC (20yd Line)

Park Place – 10 Burpees (10yd Line)

Boardwalk – 10 8-Count Bodybuilders IC (End Zone – Bleacher Corner)

We spent a solid 45 minutes playing Monopoly. I'm not sure which space had the most activity but I do know that, much to the pax' delight, Park Place and Boardwalk were the least visited. With the game over we headed back to The Green for Mary.

LBC's, Flutter Kicks, Rosalita's, Hello Dolly (I keep yelling don't let your feet touch the ground, not sure anyone paid attention to me at this point), J-Lo's, High Plank, Low Plank.

Recover, RECOVER.



  • The workout was a success, thankfully!! We got in a lot of work and ran 3 miles, which was not something I counted into my equation as I put this workout together. However, that was a bonus. We will play Monopoly again later this year.
  • A huge shout out to Devo for helping me set up the "board". He was confused and then pleasantly surprised by how well it came together.
  • Squiggy was the captain for the winning team, finally getting his prize which he initially asked for on Fri and then again before the workout started. I believe they hit the 8-Count Bodybuilders (the only team to do so, I believe) and possibly the Burpees. Thus collecting $3,600 which earned them a 1/2 dozen doughnuts.
  • During the coffeteria the winning team was kind enough to share their doughnuts, only 3 were eaten and those were cut up and shared by more than 3 guys. Got to love it!!
  • I'm always honored and humbled to lead such fine men. Thank you, gentlemen.