Children’s Impact Network recues abandoned, abused, and neglected children. CIN has orphanages in Bolivia and Honduras, safe houses in Colombia, a center in Chile, and digs water wells in Cuba. CIN shares the love of Jesus as it partners with churches and communities and hosts teams that love on the children.
I have had the opportunity to go two mission trips to Honduras to visit the Honduras Life Center with Lake Forest Church. Those trips included several F3 brothers who were there to see and experience how CIN has been impacting the lives of children in Honduras. While while working on site to build a second home for future children, it has been an amazing experience to get to know the children and see how our work has changed their life. I am fortunate enough to sponsor two of the children, Sharol and Giselle who have changed my life through their smiles and letters.
Please consider donating and participating in the Virtual Prayer Run on October 24th, and if you would like more information on CIN, child sponsorship or on missions with Lake Forest Church please feel free to reach out!