Christmas Eve at Cauldron (the day a snowball fight broke out)

Not listed in pax list, The Force's 2.1 M.O.D.

Welcome to Christmas Eve at The Cauldron!
I am not a professional – I only deliver presents one night a year!
Jingle Bells, grab your bells
Zamparini up the deck. Stop a level before the top. 
Santa SOS signals x 24
North Pole Power Generators
Reindeer Stuck In the Snows 
Partner up. Establish who is partner 1 and who is partner 2.
Partner 1 – you are an Elf!
Partner 2 – you are a Grinch! 
Remember this!!!
Elves:  run up to the top, across, down steps and back.
Grinches : You’re doing full KB curls.
When Elf returns, 5 helping hands each arm. Elf, you’re on top. 
2 sets of the exercise for each partner. Plank it out and wait. 
Same thing, but with skull crushers
Same thing, but with lawn mowers 
Bells up, head down to the grass 
Elves South. Grinches North. 
Sleigh pullers long length of the grass. Both ways. (Think blocking drills but 7-8 guys on each end of the rope. Resistance pull)
Elves vs Grinch’s tug-a-war. Grinches with the win. 
Snowball fight 
Santa leaves 2 bags of large marshmallows at each end. 
Line up, when I say GO, run get your snowballs and the battle begins!
Santa calls out, “Now Dasher Now Dancer, now Blackbeard, now Toxic, Ultraman and… GO!
Ok to reuse ammo 
The Moleskine
Lawn Dart arrived 90 mins early for battlefield recon. Thanks for coming back to join us, LD!
Bonus sunrise view atop the deck during each lap. The benefits of a 0700 start in late December. 
Those mean Grinches crushes us Elves in the tug-a-war. YHC feels taken advantage of. They were all so comfortable holding and pulling on my big, long, thick, black… rope. 
Those same Grinches were a buncha cheaters in what was to be a peaceful, wholesome game of snowball tossing.  Instead they sent men to grab their ammo early then armed SNIPERS and sent them across enemy lines in a ruthless, indefensible attack. This was caught on film (see F3Counts tweet) and the Grinches have been reprimanded. 
That snowball fight was by far the most exhausting 30 seconds of the morning, or maybe of my week. Month? Who woulda thought 30 seconds could do that to a man…
Merry Christmas pax. Thanks for joining me and the 2.0s. T-Claps to a great year for F3. It has been my pleasure to MQ Cauldron in 2021. 
The Force is OUT. 

