Christmas In July

Event Date

Jul 06, 2023

 A few weeks ago, Amen and I were sitting at the coffee tables at Lowes after Candyshop and Cauldron and we came up with the idea of swapping Q’s so we can each experience the other AO and at the same time help each other out with picking a Q.  I loved the idea so I got the reins for wilderness for one day of which I had never experienced before and likewise for Amen for Dragonslayer.

Thinking of what workout to do, I thought it would be a great idea to do a Christmas in July themed workout around the 12 days of Christmas complete with Christmas music and all! 

5 pax came out to get their Christmas gifts and here’s what went down:


Run a lap

  • 12 SSH in Cadence
  • 12 merkins in Cadence
  • 12 squats in cadence (included some low squat pulses here which was a sign of things to come)
  • 12 knee touches in cadence

Run a lap

  • 12 second wall sit in cadence
  • wall sit with 12 air presses in cadence
  • wall sit with 12 touch them heels in cadence
  • wall sit with 12 seal claps in cadence

Run a lap

  • 12 pushup jacks in cadence
  • 12 inchworms (i messed up the cadence on this one)
  • 12 slippery dip cans (in cadence and included some hamstring stretches here)
  • 12 hillbillies in cadence

The Thang

Keeping in theme with the 12 days of Christmas, next exercise involved 12 card pickup with went something like this and a lot of squats!!

12 Card Pickup

Take 12 cards (had my kids large go fish cards available which the Pax appreciated) and space them in a vertical line 1 step apart from each other.

1- Squat to pickup card

2- Squat to put down 1st card, squat to pick 1st card up, then squat to pick up second card, and move to 3rd card

3- Squat to put down 1st card, squat to put down second card, squat to pick up 1st card, squat to pick up 2nd card, squat to pick up 3rd card

… and so forth until you reached the last card which totaled 168 squats and lots of burning legs :-)…

Mosey to rock pile, grab a rock and zamperini back to launch point

12 days of Christmas ladder workout

With the 15 minutes remaining we did the following ladder workout OYO burnout which included 3 burpees every 3 minutes for an additional 15 burpees to the 35 performed with this ladder workout.

  • 1 plank shoulder touch
  • 2 Turkish Sit-ups
  • 3 push-ups
  • 4 bicep curls
  • 5 Burpees
  • 6 plank jacks
  • 7 pretzel crunches (each side)
  • 8 LBC’s
  • 9 skull crushers
  • 10 lunges
  • 11 calf raises
  • 12 Muhammad Ali’s

6:15 rolled around and several PAX weren’t finished with ladder and wanted to stay and complete it.  Strong push to the end!!

6:20 zamperini back to drop off rocks and mosey back for COT.

Several things I learned today:

  • There’s a reason Christmas playlists are played around Christmas time and not year round.  It was just weird playing this and definitely heard plenty of mumble chatter about the playlist chosen which included your classic hits.  Listened to pax, changed playlist to include metal versions of Christmas songs which was more acceptable to pax.
  • Even if popcorn is tired, he will still push himself during a workout.  He came in very tired and as the workout progressed, saw his energy level rise and push the rest of us to keep up with him.  Strong push and you were only better for this!
  • Watch out for Peart Plus!  Dude is starting to run more and crushing workouts!  Keep at it and looking forward to seeing your commitment pay off!  Also, great to connect with a fellow drummer.
  • After being out for over a year, i saw Lambeau twice this week and it doesn’t seem like he skipped a beat! So encouraged to see you back out there and hope to see you around more.  Don’t forget to reach out to some PAX you haven’t seen around to encourage them to get back out there.  We all need this and are better as a result.
  • Hotwax didn’t like my Christmas playlist at all.  He voiced his opinion and changed playlist as a result.  I think walking in a winter wonderland was a workout killer and could def tell his stamina increase once playlist changed.  Sorry about that, and don’t worry won’t play Christmas music until the proper time.  But don’t worry it will come in its proper time 🙂
  • Jorel was able to join us at the end for a few minutes and I’m so glad he did and didn’t fartsack because he was late.  I’m pretty sure that push there at the end for him helped get his day going and made him the better for it.  Way to show up!!


  • Lambeaus neighbor kid has cancer and requested prayer
  • Jorels kid has kidney issues and was requesting prayer for healing
  • Strength in marriages
  • Slingshot had their baby and mama and baby are doing well.  Congrats Slingshot!!

Thank you as always for joining me in the gloom.  I was better for it, and thank you Amen for allowing me to take the reins for wilderness this week and hope you enjoyed dragonslayer!  Think that was a great idea to swap Q’s and think we should encourage that across all AO’s.

Remember to invite someone out to a workout.  We never know what they need, whether its faith, fitness, or fellowship.  Let’s get them out here so they can experience what we all get to!  

Until Next time, SYITG