Chubby Buddha’s 401K

The Chubby Buddha was angry about the reamin' his 401K took after the market STB yesterday and tried to assuage his wrath by taking it out on our unsuspecting pax.  At least he didn't put it in bitcoin.  YHC put pen to paper and perhaps had the proportions wrong as the pax started caterwauling  about the running.  Good news is YHC will be que'ing tomorrow and adjustments will be made.


The warm up

Would have been the typical warm up – SSH's, IST's, Mericans, etc…..but Motorboat and shambala made dramatic entrances post 5:30am so pax was penalized w/ 11 burpees.

The Thang

Somethings go together naturally – peanut butter and chocolate, cupcake and marley, captain and tenile – but YHC tried to force an unholy union between kettlebells and suicides….here's how it went down…

Zamperini 25 steps – 25 DC curls – drop the bells run back to start and back to bells….Zamperini 25 steps – 25 DC shoulder presses…run back to start and back to kettle bells…..Zamperini 25 steps – 25 DC squats…run back to start and back kettlebells….getting the picture?

We repeated the suicides with 25 DC URR's, 20 DC Mericans, 10 Lawn Mowers each arm, 25 DC skull crushers and then 10 single armed squat and press (each arm).

We then zamperini'd back to start.  YHC attempted to demo another creation – the wheelbarrow kettlebell drag.  YHC and Pax quickly determined that wasn't going to happen and opted for partner wheelbarrows.

5 rounds of KB's – 15 counts

KB swings

Bent over rows

Jack Webb (went over like a fart in church – thanks Deepend)

Alternating lunges

KB Flutterkicks

On to Mary…..

10 KB assisted WW2 sit ps

50 DC LBC's made easier by companionship with our KB's


As always our chubby buddha was banished from the COT.  Great turnout again.  Racecity is awesome.  Some pax went for NY Deli.  Lotsa runners and pre-rucker stuff too.

Prayers for Plinko's father in law, Deepend's dad as they deal with some heart surgery.  Prayers too for Strutter and family.  Keep Hobb's family in thoughts as well as I'm sure they are struggling with the loss of their son.  We are blessed in so many ways – family, friends, faith, our health, roofs over our heads, food on the table – go out and try to be a better man than you were yesterday and when you fall short know that tomorrow is a new day.  Never, never quit.