Chuck Dem Bags

Event Date

Jan 23, 2019


Also in attendence but not on the site – Beer Husker

It was damp and chilly – but that didn't stop 7 PAX from joining me at the Green.  Das Boot explained that he was out on a Wednesday because he had an accidental Fart Sack on his normal post day – Tuesday.  This was perfect.  Das Boot is the king of the sand bags – and a bagging we would go.


The usual suspects – SSH, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, IST, General Stretchy Stretching

Mosey to DUMC and grab a Sand Bag

The Thang

Line up across the parking lot to perform a Bag Ladder

Step One  – Throw your bag

Step Two – 10 mericans

Step 3 – Approach your bag and lift it

Step 4 – 1 Squat

Continue decreasing mericans and incrreasing squats: 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, etc etc

Zamparini (bag overhead) to the dumpster 

Take a lap around the parking lot – then reunite with your bag

Ladder back from wence we came – exercises = Curls and Jump Squats

Take a lap around the parking lot

The Gorilla Walk – bending at the waist – move your bag forward, keep your hands on the bag and hop forward, extend the bag, hop – it kind of looks like a gorilla walking.  A real crowd pleaser.
Return the bags.

Indian Run to the school

Find a spot on the wall – peoples' chair with air press

Australian Mountain Climber – perform a mountain climber with your hands on the ground and your feet on the wall

Repeato – peoples' chair/air press and australian mountain climber

Mosey to the pull-up bars

3 sets of 10 pull-ups followed by 20 LBC

Low Flutter x 25 IC (lots of mumble chatter on the wet grass)

Mosey back to the green

Find a spot on the short wall

alternating step ups – 10 each leg OYO

Dips x 15 IC

alternating step ups – 10 each leg OYO

Dips x 15 IC


WW2 sit ups, dying cockroach, pretzel crunch, the W

Recover Recover

Damp Moleskine

– Great Group – including BagBoy and Special Sauce – who both were at my Q on Saturday.  Hope they aren't sick of me.

– Das Boot gave me props on the Gorilla Walk which is high praise from the sand bag master

– Truth be told – I pilferred a few exercises (including the Gorilla Walk) from Titan's Man Maker Monday Q earlier this week.  Titan always mixes things up and it was fun to repeat some of his madness.

– We lifted up two family friends who are fighting cancer and another family who is dealing with the loss of a son in a car accident.  May God be with these families.

– Always an honor and a privilage to be with this group.  Pushing myself this year to Q more than last year.  Off to a decent start – with additional dates claimed throughout the first quarter.  Leading the PAX gives me an extra boost of energy – just trying to make sure the PAX got what they came for.  

